Stalkers - Part 1

Summary: A list of links to help take action. Below the links is some outline insight. Go to Stalkers Part 2 for a deeper insight. Links, quotes, and videos for quick research.

True or False: Stalkers are delusional, and their actions are instantly linked to a personality disorder as well as the reasons why you do not want them in your personal life. Gaslighting turns to smear when leaving because they fear their own triggering memories and actions will be too harmful for their ‘false self construct’ to dismiss as nothing when you get head space from the lowering of you. Stalking does not just happen after the relationship ends; it happens inside before you leave.

Reality Check:

1 - What is said and done at a point in time.

2 - What is not said and done at a certain point in time.

3 - What should be happening? If you feel like “what should be happening” is your gut instinct and someone is trying to deny that reality in a relationship and you want to get accountability and they dismiss anything they do, play it down, deflect, cover up, use quick changing behaviour… consider making an exit plan carefully, see how you feel about it.

‘Fear of Exposure’ is a reaction to something via an agenda, via a set of memories, lies behind the eyes, emotional abuse and bias, deception, having a second hidden narrative. A lack of accountability continues because you may have had your empathy and tolerance for emotional abuse work in there favour for some time, they have gained a system in the relationship to smear over facts and truth so they continue past point which might be hard to see if it is constant and subtle (passive aggressive) and only aggressive when ‘containment’ and conformity’ isn’t working.

There are fines and charges for direct and in-direct stalkers who obviously have done something else as well/first. The authorities will investigate the reason for the stalking as well as the stalking.

Stalkers - Part 3 will be live shortly, and it will contain extensive research that will link up the who, what, why, when, how and why third party stalking happens… why it is an extension of control issues, trying to own someone else perception, trying to continue the gaslighting, emotional abuse from a delusional position (reality distortions made from a damaged feedback loop) they want to have on there terms via there personality disorder, there history, there assumptions of what is accessible (your mind, relationship via labels and terms).

Stalkers - Part 2 - Sample - Emotional abusers are good at covering up, blame-shifting away D.A.R.V.O. because it is an internal system they have to avoid accountability; it will be seen on the external when matters get out of there control. The secondary evidence will always link back to the primary evidence. Their agenda to cover up art at any cost and never respect boundaries is an extension of what agenda or victim knows about that others will not understand without experience and education. Dealing with covert types means hiring flying monkeys and agents and influencing others to contain truth and facts.

All of it is evidence; document everything… surprise victims at places they shouldn’t be, situations without confirmation, flowers, photographs, document cards, letters, texts, calls from people who shouldn’t acting on behalf of someone, divides in work, relationships, families, the insidious control issues and fear of exposure will harm to cover up what will effect he public image and los of control leading to accountability and shame back on the emotional abuser.

At a later date, in part 3 - Learn to gain closure and accountability and put back the table from third-party stalkers who know very little of self-awareness, empathy, and consideration. Use a method called ‘Fact Checking’.

Everything else must happen first, which is your safety, head space for your mental health, and knowing you can speak up about what goes on behind closed doors. The law is not what people first think about the more ‘subtle hiding forms of abuse'… what is hiding in plain sight.’

For example, Coercive control has a design to hide at any cost, any kind of subtle influence to not be seen in public. But comes from deep, hidden insecurities, not confidence, which is a cover-up, hence why emotional abusers are always trying to cover up and use others. They learned to do it for a reason, and it is always at the expense of others… or something else would be happening.

What might have been normalised over time is toxic; most of the time, it isn’t seen as that until a break is made. If the break is not respected, if third-party abuse or third-party stalking happens, the authorities have a case. No matter the label, relationship, agenda, or influence to cover up, blame-shift + blame-the victim (very common and the extension). Blame-shifters smear in a facade, they never see themselves as the one who creates the drama (covert or overt) or control issues (covert or overt).

If you spot an influencing opinion about someone happening to others in a conversation, it will happen to you, so be prepared for it. A gossiping, smearing mind has an age, processes everyone the same way, with a bias, with a specific emotional intelligence and system, or lack of. It might be hard to see the full spectrum of a person if they have false self-control for public consumption.

So what does that mean for stalker education? Answer: Your perception is not their perception; your perception might be assuming more than you think about the person who does not take ‘no’ for an answer or refuses to be accountable over something or many matters dismissed.

Human rights are a priority; no one is allowed to continue their controlling deceptive abuse, attempting to own someone else’s perception in various forms. Their control issues were most likely experienced in their childhood via suppression or not accountability or both. Bad role modelling, ACE, but something made the person copy the same abuse cycle rather than break the chain the project what they have inside, what they assume is acceptable, what they think is reality.. when reality it is a generic ‘reality distortion’. Anyone who doesn’t respect boundaries… it is a major red flag. If you are the victim and made out to be the abuser when you are trying to leave, that means the gaslighting has been ‘double downed’ and the control issues are trying to get everything back to their position on their terms.

Use the links to protect your boundaries from covert abuse from any distance… in any circle, any relationship, always get a second opinion to check your reality and someone’s behaviour if they turn up by surprise.

Confusion: Guilt is felt because it was employed over time. What will be seen later is an ego issue; try to imagine a child looking down at dolls and a doll house, the strings are loose, not seen at first, the ego is positioned where the child head is looking over the game with people taking part. The mindset remains stuck there for a reason.



WikiHow - How to Get Rid of a Stalker

(Discuss a temporary restraining order (TRO) or protective order (OOP) with police and abuse/stalking counsellors. )

PsychCentral - Recognising the Signs of Coercive Control

Healthline - How to Recognise Coercive Control

Name-calling and putting you down + Making jealous accusations

"Coercive control is a pernicious form of domestic abuse that entraps you in a hostage-like situation. Regardless of the history with your abuser, even if it included some happy moments, you don’t deserve this treatment."

Suzy Lamplugh Trust - Advice for Stalking

Suzy Lamplugh Trust - National Stalking Helpline

Suzy Lamplugh Trust - Are You Being Stalked - Start Assessment Form

Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service

(Threats are not required for the criminal offence of stalking to be prosecuted.)

Alice Ruggles Trust

The FOUR acronym - Fixated, Obsessed, Unwanted, Repeated

Fixated, Obsessed, Unwanted, Repeated—highlight the elements of personal fixation that characterise it and help to distinguish it from harassment.

"Stalking may not involve any form of physical violence, but it can escalate in intensity or persist for months, years, or even decades. The levels of mental distress it causes can be unthinkable and are often life-changing. It is estimated that over 70% of victims show symptoms of PTSD."

"Why Do People Stalk?

Feeling mistreated can lead people to need revenge and to get back at a person, often in unpleasant ways. They might: Make complaints + Make false allegations."

Refuge - Refuge is the largest specialist domestic abuse organisation in the UK

Is your partner jealous or possessive?

Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells?

Do you feel controlled, or isolated?

National Helpline - What is abuse? (a focus for helping women, the same abuse can be done to men, maybe less obvious)

Psychological abuse

Includes name-calling, threats and manipulation, blaming you for the abuse or ‘gas-lighting’ you.

Spotting the signs

Is your partner jealous and possessive?

Is he charming one minute and abusive the next?

Does he tell you what to wear, where to go, who to see?

Does he constantly put you down?

Does he play mind games and make you doubt your judgment?

Does he control your money, or make sure you are dependent on him for everyday things?

Does he pressure you to have sex when you don’t want to?

Are you starting to walk on eggshells to avoid making him angry?

Does he control your access to medicine, devices or care that you need?

Does he monitor or track your movements or messages?

Does he use anger and intimidation to frighten and control you?

Psychology Today - 5 Ways to Shake a Stalker: Disengaging Delusional Pursuit

Behaviour Institute - How to Stop a Stalker: Take Back Control of Your Life

Crime Stoppers - You can report anonymously via the Crimestoppers website or by calling  0800 555 111

The Cyber Helpline. - Expert help for victims of cybercrime

The Mix - Under 25's - Safety tips for women

The Mix - Under 25's - Safety tips for men

Hollie Gazzerd Trust


GOV - Apply for a domestic abuse protection order in a family court

GOV - Apply for a domestic abuse protection order in a family court: Form DA1

GOV - Ask for permission to apply for a domestic abuse protection order on behalf of someone else: Form DA2

GOV - Apply to keep your contact details confidential: Form C8

GOV - Request a court bailiff to deliver papers: Form D89

GOV - Certificate of service for domestic abuse protection orders in a family court: Form DA415

GOV - Protection from Harassment Act 1997

NCC - Social Media: how to use it safely

GOV - Stop Prisoner Contact

UK Police

Police UK - Advice and information Protective orders

Police UK - Protective orders

Police UK - Stalking and harassment

Police UK - Support for victims and witnesses of stalking or harassment

Police UK - Protection from online stalking and harassment

Police UK - How to report stalking or harassment

Police UK - How to report stalking or harassment

Police UK - Victim and witness support organisations