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Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Psychology - Visual Media - Cyber Punk - Recommended Psychology Books - Psychology Education - Personal - Clients

Contact - Psychology Counselling

Due to the nature of professional listening, at times, advisory and discussing personal subjects, there is a two-way consideration and client confidentiality automatically in place. If required, an NDA can be used for the UK, US and AUZ. Enquire for other countries.

Discussion note: Advising, mentoring, coaching and counselling can be seen as reading the subtext as well as the text. Changes can happen when actions and choices are applied over time. By simply speaking, connections and perceptions can be formed with new considerations with connection and education offered.

Homework is offered if a client would like to focus on certain subjects between sessions.

Research note: Links, videos and essays can offer valuable insights for educational purposes. Open doors and broaden perceptions on awareness of the self and others. Patterns, cycles and habits. Strong, considerate boundaries or lack of. Functional or dysfunctional enmeshment systems and cultures. Not all of what is presented is authentic; the full spectrum of behaviour can be deflected, dismissed, played down or covered up. The core reason can always be discovered with time, patience, and a broader, more universal education if it is processed with purpose.

(If it’s an emergency - Domestic Abuse (subtle), Types of Stalker or Safeguarding Children pages, and look for links and numbers to call.)

Selfie, archived snapshot (thank you, tall Dave).


As a researcher of behaviour, I have consideration and respect for the available third-party content in video and interview format, essays, research documents and books. Third-party content as been created with time and energy to look beyond the surface. Adding value to the insight on several subjects is a positive idea. The content creators could offer a deep insight into the subjects they discuss, you might find answers through contacting them directly.

Format - Summary, essay, and references (written and spoken) can offer a deeper insight into human behaviour beyond face value. For educational and research purposes only.

Harvard Referencing


If you require further insight, feel free to commision. Also, many of the resources offer services.

Worldwide payments. The link will take you to PayPal payments for services and donations.

Use the ‘Friends & Family’ option when purchasing.

Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Psychology - Visual Media - Cyber Punk - Recommended Psychology Books - Psychology Education - Personal - Clients

Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Psychology - Visual Media - Cyber Punk - Recommended Psychology Books - Psychology Education - Personal - Clients