Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Cyber Punk - Psychology - Visual Media - Clients
Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Cyber Punk - Psychology - Visual Media - Clients
Everything, everywhere, all at once, 24/7, 365 days per… Writer, media production & insight.
Research, research… more research… observation, process, create. Join the dots, and put them into one place. Example books to consider - All Books - Psychology Books After scrolling, more research and essays are found in the PSYCH 1 menu and onwards, or use the search box.
From photography to cryptography, problem-solving with curiosity, counselling to criminal profiling... while writing. Advisory services, deception analysis, and various pages may offer insight. A questionnaire will follow shortly along with something for everyone.
Summary: Writing fiction and non-fiction and education. Certain stories and characters require a certified psychology education to have authenticity… a cyberpunk story and a series concept have been established… while adding depth to an eight-episode streaming series.
For Story Drama - Study deceptive and self-deceptive behaviour, personality, personality disorders, action and re-action, stages and development, genetic precursors, and finishing off with Criminal Profiling in 2024.
Humans may react from the inside to out, the core values or core issue, look for microexpressions and biased smiles or maybe puppet strings and amazing things; don’t miss that out. A spectrum of something is better than nothing. Look for insight into right-hemisphere thinking. In studying deception of any kind, face value isn’t the only value; text and subtext, missing core values, may have compensating behaviour to observe or instantly flag. Triangulation is a major red flag. But what does is actually say in the primary and secondary?
Psychology Counselling sessions? Book here
“If the writer knows the mind, the character lives, the writer stays out of the way.”
Drama format - Action with purpose and conflict - Dialogue with purpose and subtext.
“Write characters from the inside out.” Robert Mckee.
Before deep diving into the depths of human behaviour, which is mostly measured on scales. Knowing a little about Truth Bias and The False Self-Construct can be a good starting point. Not everyone is authentic for several reasons; the ability to look at the core beyond face value can be a learning skill as well as a personality/character element. Know the labels and the actions they connect with. Intention is driven by something. A reaction to share or to hide.
Research Format: Cross-referenced third-party content is presented using an outlined Harvard reference format. Summary, insight, and certified written data links with spoken content. Refreshed over time. Human behaviour research is linked to Story Drama insight, and referencing experiments and surveys on human perception of the self and others. Reference points come from different walks of life, positions, qualified and experienced in various ways. At least three opinions are sourced to suggest a broader view.
Psychology Books and social media content: A broad spectrum is listed with a positive or questionable agenda to reference. Some subjects may not offer a connection or relevance at first, as human perception develops, the system placed around ‘what hides in plain sight’ can be studied with the correct education in place. Remove truth bias, and certain labels so a person can be better understood, maybe even clearly as day, given some time.
The who, what, why, when, and how… some studies cover the false self-construct, forms of influence, brain structure, roots in biased cultures, awareness, lack of awareness, purpose, control issues linked to certain types of insecurity, balanced and unbalanced perception, and how ‘change’ is linked to accountability. What drives the wants and needs of some. The island mindset, connection, assumption, fact, spin or genuine, short and long-term choices, processing with and without empathy. Neural development shapes our survival tools without or without a bias. Fixed, flexible or fluid.
Internet Discussion - General psychology, positive insight, types of trauma, dysfunctional dynamics, lie detection, body language, connection, secondary awareness, social awareness, reactive and proactive actions, the Dark Triad & Tetrad (plus Sadism, I like it when they cry). Criminal profiling is ongoing through 2024. A created character requires a deeper insight.
Story drama example - “Take the blue pill or the red pill”. He took the..? The truth can be a hard pill to swallow. Which psychological principles was the story element inspired from? A: Blissful ignorance or a painful truth. B: Conditioned suppression or free.
VeryWellMind - Understanding Developmental Psychology
Ongoing Behaviour Research - With personal and commissioned fiction deadlines, active advisory services - delegating the discussion to the source material is practical and provides great insight. Follow channels and newsletters to stay up to date.
Everything Everywhere All At Once is a great film, a ‘must’ watch. If curious, life can have a few dimensions, pathways and conclusions. Art imitating life…
The DSM5-TR is another good place to start for deeper insight into how we are made and function in certain ways.
The Protagonist's and Antagonist's actions and agenda… what do they have in common?
Ayo & Iken – 20 Ways to Spot the Psychopath in Your Life
CT - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples
If Someone Displays These 7 Behaviors, They Lack Emotional Intelligence
PsychCentral - Psychopathy Test (A brain scan will also confirm)
WH - How to Identify a Psychopath
(Note: Sections of the website are still in development; drafted, 130-plus pages will be linked and listed in an index section over time.)
True or False: Being vulnerable to the truth is far more powerful than masking a lie that can eat a person alive right behind the eyes.
True or False: Ask the tough questions first to see beyond various types of facades.
True or False: Ask the right questions, listen, observe and pay attention.
True or False: A person must deceive themselves before they deceive others.
True or False: Self-deception leaves a residue that self-deception cannot remove.
True or False: Knowing others correctly starts with knowing the self first.
True or False: Change is linked to accountability and requires 21 days.
True or False: Change is linked to accountability and requires 80 days.
True or False: Empathy is linked to cultural influence, education in the development stages and mirror neurons only.
True or False: Some have no empathy; they can only manipulate; their brain works differently.
True or False: The more deceptive, the bigger the victim card.
Behaviour Researcher and Psychology Counsellor - Written and spoken services to offer insight: Statements, actions, types of conversation, masking, patterns, development stages, enmeshment cultures, deception, gatekeeping information, types of biased influence, hidden agendas, external intention, overt and passive aggression (reactive and proactive linked to factor 1), fantasy, authenticity, genuine, consideration, change, addiction (re-direct, replace), habit loop, feedback loop, empathy (numerous types), or lack of and why, accountability, self-esteem, charm, deceptive charm, manipulation (Machiavellianism), attention seeking, fit the narrative, narcissistic supply, narcissistic injury (induced for exposure or triggers), conflicting behaviours, deceptive finance presentations, triangulation, fear of exposure, living a life long lie, hurt people hurting others, odd comments, tone, tempo, intention, false self-construct, facade, blame-shifting, blame the victim and body language. Anxiety, stress, contradiction, double standards, bypass, avoidance, too much, too little, silent treatment, emotional abuse, detachment, using others, flying monkeys, enablers, emotional intelligence, or lack of, identify psychopathy (why it is present, genetics or a reaction to an environment), conduct disorder, and ASPD. Insight into neurodivergent and neurotypical, such as ADHD, ASD, and Dyslexia. Different responses to truth and fact… such as coping mechanisms and defence mechanisms. All can have an obvious and hidden purpose for numerous reasons. Survival systems with or without a bias, empathy and self-awareness.
Screenplay: Anime TV series. Shaping to fit a duration for a future proof of concept.
Fiction Books: Writing a CyberPunk detective story, a book series. Scribbling ideas for some other short stories.
Non-Fiction Books: One completed, waiting until a Criminal Profiling course is complete, then applied the final draft. Started the concept for book two… fiction projects first.
Fiction and non-fiction writing… also travelling… stills and short films. Numerous people and places, a few samples of visual commissions.
Brands, Clients & Friends
Over the years, opportunities have been received, welcomed, shared and enjoyed. Meeting some great people… and seeing the world a few times. Thank you all.
Writer + Production
For writer or production services, media and brand development advice, send an email to James Leighton-Burns with commission and contact details. We will contact you shortly.
Psychology Counselling
Due to the nature of professional listening, at times, advisory and discussing personal subjects, there is a two-way consideration and client confidentiality automatically in place. If required, an NDA can be used for the UK, US and AUZ. Enquire for other countries.
Discussion note: Advising, mentoring, coaching and counselling can be seen as reading the subtext as well as the text. Changes can happen when actions and choices are applied over time. By simply speaking, connections and perceptions can be formed with new considerations with connection and education offered.
Homework is offered if a client would like to focus on certain subjects between sessions.
Research note: Links, videos and essays can offer valuable insights for educational purposes. Open doors and broaden perceptions on awareness of the self and others. Patterns, cycles and habits. Strong, considerate boundaries or lack of. Functional or dysfunctional enmeshment systems and cultures. Not all of what is presented is authentic; the full spectrum of behaviour can be deflected, dismissed, played down or covered up. The core reason can always be discovered with time, patience, and a broader, more universal education if it is processed with purpose.
(If it’s an emergency - Domestic Abuse (subtle), Types of Stalker or Safeguarding Children pages, and look for links and numbers to call.)
OSINT + Investigation
A collaboration service will be live shortly. In the meantime, you can enquire for advice or insight. Certain certificates are being completed. Due to the nature of the services, verification is required. If you have a deadline, make contact, and we re-direct and offer a suggestion depending on what you need.
Music Production
Due to specific streaming writer/production projects, the music production timeline is purely focused on supplying themes and ideas related to those projects. You can still enquire if talent is required. Someone suitable can be allocated to your brief. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
Creating essays with at least three research references can be very time consuming. If you require further insight, feel free to ask and donate. Many of the resources noted in my research offer their services to help with further insight into Awareness and Story Drama if you require something outside my diary.
Worldwide payments. The link will take you to PayPal payments for services and donations
Use the ‘Friends & Family’ option when purchasing.
Story Drama
Moral Code: The foundation of Story Drama.
Cyber Punk: A favourite, a sub-genre of Sci-Fi.
Gaming: Modern games are immersive.
Creative Process: Study those who offer insight.
Creative Process
Pay attention and learn from those who offer something unique
Prince’s rituals on deep learning and flow thinking. Master Classes offer great insight, highly recommended.
Book Bucket List
Read, part the way through or next…
Books and audiobooks - Fiction or non-fiction Psychology. Robert McKee offers a combined insight.
Psychology Index
Over 100 Research essays, summaries, hundreds of links and videos. There is a specialist for every subject or sub-category. Nothing is hiding in plain sight.
A link will be available shortly.
Psychology Books
A roundup… ongoing collection… all suggested books offer something unique.
Psychology Education
Temporary Note: Until all pages are linked and listed, this is a quick outline to cover a few explored insights for the Antagonist’s actions. Each page will have a summary and reference links with a number of videos to confirm the source material.
Story Drama - Blur the lines a little, and create a grey scale… while still defining right and wrong.
Going beyond the face value of any situation or relationship… use our time wisely.
Positive development is linked to empathy, connection, long-term thinking, authenticity and genuine relationships.
True or False: Ask the tough questions first to see beyond various facades.
True or False: Not every adult chooses to educate and develop on a continuous cycle of reflection. School may have been the last time skills were developed.
True or False: Accountability frees the trait and disorder from growing and harming others; denial damages the mask and facade hiding it.
True or False: A lack of processing activates defence mechanisms and blame-shifting.
True or False: A passive aggressor’s slant on past experiences is used as a tool.
True or False: Fit the narrative is a process linked to avoidance.
True or False: The professional victim card is the most detached and harmful influencing tool a disorder can generate when fearing exposure.
True or False: Gossip or smear campaigns derive from a deep insecurity of being found out and an unhealthy comparsion to others.
True or False: Survival tools are developed in childhood.
True or False: Words can be used as tools with detachment.
True or False: Learn now for later, not when it’s too late.
True or False: Sensing the ‘feeling of inferiority’ comes from someone else trying to feel superiority in a passive-aggressive way.
True or False: A highly manipulative person should only blame-shift onto their parent.
Psychopathy Is - What are Personality Disorders?
Psychopathy Is - Psychopathy Signs (age groups)
Psychology Today - 5 Reasons Why People Don’t Think More Psychologically
VeryWellMind - 13 Types of Common Cognitive Biases That Might Be Impairing Your Judgment
Psychology Today - Dunning-Kruger Effect
Psychology Today - 12 Common Biases That Affect How We Make Everyday Decisions
Cluster B Personality and beyond
Temporary Note: Until all pages are linked and listed, this is a quick outline to cover a few explored insights for the Antagonist’s actions. Each page will have a summary and reference links with a number of videos to confirm the source material.
Every writer is different, and so is their research. These subjects are part of my Story Drama foundation on human behaviour and my qualifying research and study. Specific stories require the facts to be right.
Certain Cluster B disorders appear in a category known as the Dark Triad. Or Dark Tetrad if you add sadism.
ASPD - Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which adds the term Malignant to a type such as the Malignant Narcissist. Different but with overlap Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy.
Important note - Separate from story drama, if someone abuses boundaries with behaviour outside the unspoken considerate parameters, mark it, study it, and notify. In story drama, human behaviour appears in a book, film, or play format and should not appear in the format of everyday life. Fantasy issues may detach a person from feeling accountable.
Ted Bungie’s high-functioning manipulative fantasy construct to ‘fit the narrative’ and hide in plain sight can be seen in interviews on the criminal profiling page.
The most dangerous types you never see coming - under the radar, meaning they are far more manipulative. Jimmy Savile was an example of being highly deceptive. A day was spent with him through commission… eventually, the mask slipped, and the red flags appeared. Compensating behaviour is equally noted as face-value intentions. Look for the sub-text and micro-expressions. He fooled a nation while abusing over 400 victims. Charm and charity.
Fear of Exposure - Charm and distraction stop working.
True or False: A true victim acts very differently from a professional victim; it may take a while to spot the difference.
True or False: A superiority complex is easy to spot.
True or False: Emotional abusers project onto others, the sponge theory.
True or False: Coercive control develops from a lack of identity and deep insecurity.
True or False: Chronic passive aggression comes from childhood experiences.
True or False: A lack of empathy for others is linked to mirror neurons not working.
True or False: Genetics play a part in character from 20% to 60%
Story Drama - Not every affected childhood goes in the same direction; a classic example is Bruce Wayne going one way, and the Joker going another.
More sections will be listed shortly.
Helpful Psychology
Temporary Note: Until all pages are linked and listed, this is a quick outline to cover a few explored insights for the Protagonist’s actions in story drama… moving from Dystopia to Utopia.
True or False: Label the behaviour, not the person.
True or False: Helpful is a broad term… some forms of help, such as ‘kindness’ can motivate. Another form of assumed help is called ‘enabling’.
True or False: Before a person goes out into the world… enmeshment can happen through an undiagnosed parent’s disorder. A harmful experience while the child may not realise what is happening…. as it is all they know.
True or False: Passive aggressive and aggressive actions look very different.
True or False: Those who cannot process may drain. What is unhealthy for one may be unhealthy for two.
True or False: Systems and cultures can evolve around false truths, delusions, and disorders.
True or False: What was learned in a family culture can overspill into a work and social culture.
True or False: Age has nothing to do with emotional intelligence or self-awareness.
True or False: Genetic precursors… some might be prone more than others to certain behavioural patterns before they even experience a certain environment.
True or False: Behaviour patterns and perceptions are created through a positive or negative culture experienced in the first 20 years.
True or False: The survival tools come from interacting with caregivers and siblings.
True or False: Everyone must be educated first on the who, what, why, when, and how.
True or False: Empathy is Human Wifi.
True or False: Manipulative influencers have learned something they shouldn’t do, but they do it anyway.
For story drama, the protagonists may win by a hair. What does that suggest about daily life?
VeryWellMind- What Is Empathy?
CT – Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples
If Someone Displays These 7 Behaviors, They Lack Emotional Intelligence
Enmeshment Culture:
PsychCentral - The Enmeshed Family System: What It Is and How to Break Free
Thrivetalk - Enmeshment: How To Unmesh From Your Dysfunctional Family
VeryWellMind - What Is Enmeshment Trauma?
Parents - Here's Why Enmeshed Families Can Be Dysfunctional
Healthline - What Is an Enmeshed Family?
GoodTherapy - When Family Relationships Become Toxic: The Trauma of Enmeshment
Psychology Today - Triple-Negative Neurotic Looping
Psychology Today - The Struggles of Quiet BPD
Psychology Today - Borderline Personality Disorder and the Danger of Self-Destruction
More sections will be listed shortly.
Research, Reference, Exams, Course Work and Insight. A UK and US page will go live with services offered by a number of specialists in different parts of the country and states; find a match. (ongoing)