Psychology Counselling

James Leighton-Burns MACCPH

Summary: Simple, clear, listening, processing with feedback and homework if requested. An open-source view about education.

Click and email to enquire; feel free to ask a question while you study the insight.

Coercive Control? (Deflection, triangulation, denying with gaslighting, the disorder tries to hide at any expense, everything can be seen for what it is, and it is not a natural confidence with a hidden agenda to destabilise others for what reason?)

Empathy Deficit, need to know more?

Psychology Education (Some pages may have a loading time due to third-party research for verification.)

If you need a quick chat or get something off your chest, shorter sessions are offered. Videos and essays can give insight, open a door, and broaden perceptions. Once something new has been established, move on to the next stage, letting go and making space for what is more important: The right education and the right choices. Develop powerful boundaries so coping mechanisms override any deceptive defence mechanism to deny truth and accountability with those who lie, as it is not your responsibility to bond with it with a dishonest, deceptive agenda from bad remodelling and toxic validation at the expense of others. Mental health is equal to physical health; anyone suffering from both is a red flag. Re-educate fast, remove the brain fog.

30/60/90 minute sessions can cover a number of situations relating to the past, present or future plans and goals. affected by - bad role modelling, trauma bonds, conflicting deceptive behaviour, gaslighting, triangulation, and third-party abuse to cover up abuse (find the core disruptor who targets others to deny accountability). Find different ways of thinking, observing and studying various types of patterned behaviour that can be linked to emotional intelligence and deceptive hidden agendas that affect others. Learn to spot that the coverup is the confession; the closure is in the acceptance that you are not responsible for anyone’s abusive nature. Personal development has an evolving growth pattern, not a vortex.

Improve intangible skills, problem-solving, and reverse engineer required choices or other people’s choices.

Also, I can offer links and research if a person wants to go deeper into the who, what, why, when and how beyond face value and assumption of behaviour and compensating behaviour. Chat first, its a good place to start.

You can call a shield/code number - 01228 479 367 - (Please leave a message - Psychology Today security) (Anonymous reporting on behalf of someone)

(If it’s an emergency, go to the Domestic Abuse (subtle), Types of Stalker or Safeguarding Children pages, and look for links and numbers to call.)

Psych2Go (teenagers and adults can learn a number of subjects linked to human behaviour)

Payments can be received via PayPal, simple bank transfer, Revolt & Wise.

Keystone Law - Understanding DARVO: what is abusive, gaslighting and coercive behaviour in a relationship?

PsychCentral - 5 Manipulation Tactics Narcissistic Parents Use To Control Their Adult Children + Recognising the Signs of Coercive Control

If you require outline advice on - legal or safeguarding responsibilities, a chat between us with a department or advisor will be suggested to move forward. Processing situations can help by putting matters on the table with client privilege in place.

Encoding Information = What is remembered, external to internal.

Medical News Today - Hypervigilance: What you need to know

Further insight can be suggested with optional study in your own time. Positive guidance can begin with developing further curiosity, further insight, and accountability, accompanied by more than one point of view to develop a broader perception.

Some realisations come from inspirations and a higher level of guidance (universal education)… then the core starts to think… maybe… what if… I may try that… new ideas formulate and create new systems… education develops mind software that navigates from the core. A client can apply a change that stays.

Written advice and research services are offered. (Education purposes only).

Insight for Consideration –

Move from Empath to Educated Empath. Ask questions first before helping, not the other way around and rely on the three-chances rule. A lack of empathy is a lack of empathy no matter how much energy is spare.

Move from Echoiest to educated on purpose, boundaries and conditioning.

Move from Enmeshment to the awareness of dysfunctional systems made by undiagnosed people.

Move from bias to balance, accountability, and self-aware.

Move from co-dependent to balanced with boundries.

Move from, and can only be done by a skilled therapist, unhealthy levels of narcissism.

Note: Those with NPD, beyond traits and systems, may not know they have NPD.

Going further into relationships with the self and others, certain situations may feel confusing or disruptive; they may have a hidden or obvious bias to process and resolve. It's good to note what is seen and felt. Learn how to adjust the position and perception.

Everyone can learn how to develop new important boundaries and find new approaches in conversation that may help with boundaries. Broadening the perception with new education can help the mind navigate in a number of ways which may have never been considered. For example, discovering what might be 'hiding in plain sight'. The obvious choice might need a little feedback.

Repetition techniques can help train actions, reactions, habits, habit loops, and feedback loops... there are always options to consider over time, in transition. The human brain, body and mind have systems to observe.

Due to certain fitness goals achieved, motivation can be offered for flow thinking or comfort zone expansion. Numerous running races completed with distances over 27 miles over various terrains. Top 10% finishes. Sub 26 mile races also signed off. For some, nothing beats a 28 mile cold river mud race in four hours or ultra training in a storm on tired legs. Focus, patience, pleasure, pain, why am I doing this at 4:30am and fitness techniques. Fitness is good for the soul, so are certain diets that work with your body and mind. For example, try more protein for breakfast, find a nutritionist.

Note: Videos and essays are valuable and can give insight, open doors, and broaden perceptions. Once that has been established, move on to the next stage, which can be seen as letting go and making space for what is more important - Many situations can be discussed, big or small, long-term or temporary.

One example that appears often is knowing how to have strong boundaries against other people’s undiagnosed issues/traits/childhood projections they may not identify in themselves. Its far to complex for them to see even if you can, the damaged feedback loop which has a basis without gaining any growth in the adult world, guilt and shame are far to big to process as is accountability and reality, no need to be the in the gaslight facade to protect the ego. Before making contact, consider speaking to the person the video if they connect 100%.

There is a crossover study for story drama creation and research which covers the Dark Triad (Narcissism, Machiavellianism & Psycapathy), Dark Tetrad (add Sadism), Cluster B patterned behaviour, ASPD (disruptive overt of covert behaviour without considerations), Enmeshment - dysfunctional systems with biases in families and workplace, born temperament, genetic pre-cursors, character development in childhood, deception, manipulation, professional victim card, face value influence, blameshifting, blame the victim, truth bias, Dunning Kruger effect, denial, triangulation, deceptive influence (effecting people's self-esteem and perception covertly or overtly) and culture influence and awareness.


James Leighton-Burns - Psychology Today

James Leighton-Burns - Find a Therapy

James Leighton-Burns MACCPH - Governing Body

Mental and physical health are linked; start with the core, and work outwards; that goes for both.

MSN - Mental health benefit claims surge to 400 a day

Telegraph - Mental health benefit claims surge to 400 a day

IFS - Health-related benefit claims have risen substantially across every part of England and Wales

IFS - Health-related benefit claims post-pandemic:

NHS - Be active for your mental health

A subject that pops up frequently can be understood by reading this article. It can relate to a number of situations. A lack of empathy, or lack of empathy is usually masked or observed with a truth bias, an assumption. Gaining an educated awareness and learning the signs is key.

VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy

VeryWellMind - Why Do People Blame the Victim?

The who, what, why, when and how… What is Psychology?

BPS - What is psychology?

APA - The Go-To Science

Professor Peter Clough - The idea of mental or emotional resilience is well-established

Medical News Today - What is psychology and what does it involve?

Simply Psychology - What Is Psychology?

MH - What Are the Four Types of Psychology?

Summary 2: Simple, clear, listening. Processing with feedback offered if required. If you need a quick chat, or get something off your chest, shorter sessions are offered. I can cover a number of situations relating to the past, present or future plans and goals. A subject that pops up frequently - empathy or lack of it in several situations. Boundaries, relationships, stress... modern life. Perception, beyond face value, consideration, the who, what, why, when and how. Connection from the past, present and future goals.

Listen, process, join the dots, discuss. Work on the perception equation. It can be interesting to see the mind as a reality filter, with past experiences influencing the present. Further insight can be suggested with optional study in your own time. Positive guidance can begin with developing a curious intention, accompanied by more than one point of view.

One option is using elements from Reality Therapy:

PsychCentral - Reality Therapy: How a Nontraditional Approach

VeryWellMind - How Reality Therapy Works

Psychology Today - Reality Therapy

Good Therapy - Reality Therapy

A great suggestion of how both a counsellor and client can interact in a professional session:


BACP - Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions

Candour: openness with clients about anything that places them at risk of harm or causes actual

Care: benevolent, responsible and competent attentiveness to someone’s needs, wellbeing
and personal agency

Courage: the capacity to act in spite of known fears, risks and uncertainty 

Diligence: the conscientious deployment of the skills and knowledge needed to achieve a
beneficial outcome

Empathy: the ability to communicate understanding of another person’s experience from that
person’s perspective

Fairness: impartial and principled in decisions and actions concerning others in ways that promote equality of opportunity and maximise the capability of the people concerned 

Humility: the ability to assess accurately and acknowledge one’s own strengths and weaknesses 

Identity: sense of self in relationship to others that forms the basis of responsibility, resilience and motivation 

Integrity: commitment to being moral in dealings with others, including personal straightforwardness, honesty and coherence 

Resilience: the capacity to work with the client’s concerns without being personally diminished 

Respect: showing appropriate esteem for people and their understanding of themselves 

Sincerity: a personal commitment to consistency between what is professed and what is done 

Wisdom: possession of sound judgement that informs practice