Psychology Education

Theory of Mind - Behavioural Sciences - What is hiding in plain sight - The Who, What, Why, When, and How.

(If it’s an emergency, go to the Domestic Abuse (subtle), Types of Stalker or Safeguarding Children pages, and look for links and numbers to call.)

Completed -

James Leighton-Burns MACCPH

Psychology - Oxford Uni - Awarded - Dr Anna Scarnà. (UK)

Advanced Psychology Counselling ACCPH - Awarded

ACEs, Complex Trauma, and Toxic Stress: Implications for Affect, Behavior, Cognition, and Physical Health - Jerrod Brown, PhD. (Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACE)

The Overlap between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy - Awarded - With Carrie Barron MD.

Triarchic Model of Psychopathy - What is Psychopathy? - Awarded - Christopher J. Patrick PhD

The Development of Conduct Disorder and Aggression - Psychopathy - Awarded - Abigail Marsh PhD

Correctional Mental Health - Awarded - Virginia Barber Rioja, PhD, and Ashley Batastini, PhD

Ongoing - Soon to be active

CBT for ADHD, turn intentions into actions - J.Russell Ramsay Ph.D, ABPP

Delivering Parenting Skills with Artificial Intelligence - Eduardo Bunge PhD.

Numerous certificates related to research

Private investigation L3 + SIA membership

Psychology of Criminal Profiling

“An open-source approach to insight and education.”

3 to 5% of the world's population has psychopathy

Trauma Doesn’t Cause Narcissism

1 in 6 are a Narcissist

Pathological Liars (learn about how shame is re-positioned onto targets and victims so the liar avoids processing with accountability; people used to go along with a lie. The damage is seen in the liar first.)

Malicious Actor Covert Narcissist

The Triarchic Model of Psychopathy (TriPM) is a model that describes psychopathy as three partially overlapping domains: boldness, meanness, and disinhibition.

Psychology Today - The Risk Factors for Continuing the Cycle of Abuse *

Criminogenic - Central Eight Risk Factors

1 - Criminal history (noted or not, detachment, deception without consideration)

2 - Antisocial personality disorder (repeated conduct (disorder) over time with false assumptions or what is right and wrong)

3 - Criminal thinking patterns (patterned behaviour with an affected internal feedback loop, a bias, bad role modelling and abuse projection)

4- Criminal associates (friends & family, choosing like-minded or easily influenced, dysfunctional enmeshment to get others onboard)

5 - Family or marital problems (unable to maintain stability or coercive control issues to keep conformity, blameshift, shame deflection, avoid accountability)

6 - Poor school or work personal performance (no positive conformity towards growth and education, knowing perception and awareness grows with change and update)

7- Unproductive leisure/recreational time (bored, no interest in development or interest in growth, unhealthy comparisons, too tightly wound to learn beyond a facade)

8 - Substance abuse (escapism, going beyond a balanced state for reasons not addressed, suppressing rather than face-to-fix, dulling down will bottleneck awareness)

Masked Emotional Instability

Self-reflection vs Instrumental (Anonymous reporting on behalf of someone)

Choosing Therapy - Dysfunctional Family: Signs, Causes, & How to Cope

PsychCentral - 5 Manipulation Tactics Narcissistic Parents Use To Control Their Adult Children + Recognising the Signs of Coercive Control

Barton Family Lawyers - Your Legal Guide to Divorcing a Narcissist – Narcissistic Abuse Explained

PsyPost - Blurry boundaries: How the brain confuses self and others in borderline personality disorder

NeuroScience - 80% of Developmental Disorders Linked to Known Recessive Genes

Hare Psychopathy Checklist (Original) (PCL-22)

Screening Tests for Psychopathy

IrLabs - Psychopathy Test

Behaviour Researcher of Dark Triad and Tetrad. Written advice offered.

Your Tango - 9 Signs You Have A Very Low-Quality Person In Your Life

True or False: Psychopathy is a concealed psychological disturbance.

30 out of 40 indicative that an adult has psychopathy on the PCL scale.

Common mindset: People are instruments to be played.

True or False: There are two types of aggression, reactive and proactive. The latter is linked to Factor 2 psychopathy, such as stalking, believing goals must be achieved with aggression, direct or indirect, through others. Manipulation, delusion, lack of empathy, guilt and remorse are present. Limited pro-social emotions. Blame-shifting onto a victim who won’t conform, due to a smaller Amygdala (limbic system).

True or False: 3% of the world’s population has psychopathy.

True or False: The act of smear exposes a personality disorder as well as a hidden agenda.

True or False: Using others not to get hands dirty, influence other people’s empathy, self-esteem, and perception with disinformation… is a chargeable offence.

Choosing Therapy - 10 Signs of a Female Psychopath (and men but are different)

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples

PsychCentral - Spotting and Dealing with a Smear Campaign by a Narcissist

Marriage - How to Make a Narcissist Fear You: 15 Proven Strategies

Getcourtready - The Dynamics of Narcissism and Co-Narcissism

‘Acting without a conscience to keep the mask of sanity and public presentation free of accountability. Some fear exposure and shame; some don’t feel anything. Both may react to feedback as it is irrelevant to the internal equation. A lack of guilt with a history of choices has a system around it.’

PsychCentral - How to Recognize Traits of Psychopathy: 5 Ways

True or False: Conduct Disorder, If not reviewed and re-educated by age 18, ASPD can develop as stage two in a life long perception without considerations such as empathy.

True or False: Narcissistic people are deeply insecure and require covert control to feel better about something not processed. The child's mind is still present, and there is no empathy behind the mask. Words and actions do not match over time.

Choosing Therapy - What Is a Narcissistic Family Structure? 10 Signs & How to Deal

TNC - Narcissistic Families – Hidden In Plain Sight

“Image is everything, no boundaries, control issues, secret keeping, hide fraud and abuse.”

A subject that pops up frequently can be better understood by reading these two essays. It can relate to a number of situations and why some lack something key to making better choices in life and relationships. A lack of empathy is usually masked or observed incorrectly with a truth bias and an assumption due to certain types of charm masking in certain situations. Gaining an educated awareness and learning the signs can be eye opening.

VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy

VeryWellMind - Why Do People Blame the Victim?

Deception - The giveaway… every action, every statement, timing, body language... compare it to what could be happening. The body can give off + 70%.

True or false - Those who don’t understand accountability don’t process other people's accountability correctly. What is not felt and processed internally, cannot be seen externally.

What is narcissistic injury?

What is a trauma bond?

Taster insight for consideration, help re-position clients –

Move from Empath to Educated Empath. Ask questions first before helping, not the other way around and rely on the three-chances rule. A lack of empathy is a lack of empathy no matter how much energy is spare.

Move from Echoiest to educated on purpose, boundaries and conditioning.

Move from Enmeshment to the awareness of dysfunctional systems made by undiagnosed people.

Move from bias to balance, accountability, with self awareness, understand cause and effect.

Move from co-dependent to balanced emotional self-sufficiency when dealing with deception.

True or False: Psychopathy is an inherited mental disorder, an illness that is the result of a deformity in the brain. Those who are born with psychopathy can be harmful to others in certain situations or even dangerous.

True or False: Driven by an agenda with some or with zero empathy for others can be linked to a born temperament or childhood development chapter, or both.

Compensating behaviour is by design. Coverup is by design; masking is by design; avoiding guilt and shame is by design. Defence mechanisms instead of coping mechanisms are by design. Low emotional intelligence is in the agenda.

Knowing the cycle, pattern, and childhood, along with genetics going back generations, are key to a full insight into the who, what, why, when and how. Face value can be a tool along with charm. Fantasy issues are linked to what?

To spot if someone has no empathy for others... look at everything as well as the wants and needs at that moment where the gut is speaking. People process one way with a bias, or they process with a consideration.

CT - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples


Psychopathy Is - What are Personality Disorders?

Psychopathy Is - Psychopathy Signs (age groups)

APA Psyc Net - Borderline personality disorder as a female phenotypic expression of psychopathy?

Forbes - Only 15% Of People Are Self-Aware

Linked-In - Only 15% of People are Truly Self-Aware. Here’s How to Change That

Harvard Business - Working with People Who Aren’t Self-Aware

Psychopathy Is - Related Psychological Disorders and Diagnoses

Download - Behavioier table

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR)

"Educating and researching to develop Behaviour Awareness in schools should now be a priority for life skills and mental health for a nation, countries... a globally raised bar. Would you drive on the road without driving lessons?"


Big Think - Psychopaths don’t move their heads when talking

"Violations of personal space (e.g. standing too close), inappropriate approach behaviour, and intense orienting may reflect impairments in amygdala function in psychopathy as these are also characteristic of patients with amygdala damage.”

Medium - How to Spot a Psychopath? Watch Their Eyes

Reduced blinking.
Focus that feels threatening or predatory. If you speak to one, you might feel a manipulative air.
Heightened intensity.
Wide-eyed. More of the whites showing.
Eye contact/fixation held for longer.
A coldness. Devoid of warmth, empathy or compassion.
Bully to victim.

True or False: The who, what, why, when, and how… It can be seen as wise to study behaviour to confirm what is hiding in plain sight.

GEE - 8 types of people who never deserve a second chance, according to psychology

Reasearch: Studying human behaviour can create deeper insight into story drama, what goes on and what is a good option. Humans require good soil, water and sunlight with education and deep connection. It is not always the case, and the side-effects can have a dramatic effect on navigation, survival tools, empathy, agenda, lack of vulnerability, self-centredness, perception, connection, sharing, moral code and internal processing or blameshifting without self-awareness and avoidance of accountability.

Hundreds of videos, websites, research, and reviews… plus a fair amount of books, interviews, experiences, what social media saying, what a book might express… the sign-off is there are similarities, patterns, and similar conclusions… It is safe to say the last 40,000 years, humans have been paying attention and, in some cases, not.

The stats on self-awareness are quite surprising and easily reversed… the optimist saying it can be, I would like to think so.

90% think they are self-aware when in fact it is 10 to 15%

80% are lying to themselves for what ever reason.

6% of the population want to damage the other 94% for a number of reasons, one being an unhealthy feedback loop where the ego drives the damaged belief system, which affects the perception which drives the belief system without any new information getting inside to allow growth and consideration for cause and effect.

The professional victim card is used by the most deceptive as they see nothing wrong with blaming their victim after creating a victim with a delusion view of themselves. Cases in the press only confirm the detachment. Something went wrong, and it stayed hidden with charm for too long.

Learning through story drama is not just for the audience and reader; it’s for the writer who has a duty to look a little closer, join the dots, and then create with insight.

Side Note: How does one inform a lair about a lair? Someone has to see an opportunity to go beyond a flawed perception and feel the effects of a transformation and better mental and physical health benefits.

References 1:

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples

PsychCentral - Spotting and Dealing with a Smear Campaign by a Narcissist

References 2:

FHE - Pathological Lying Can Occur with These Mental Disorders

RJ - Surprising effects of telling lies on our mental health

Psychology Today - The Truth About Lying and What It Does to the Body

BB - The Impact of Lying: Is It Really a Big Deal?

Psychology Today - The Psychology and Impact of Lying and Self-Deception

NIH - Influence of False Self-Presentation on Mental Health

Medium - The Psychological Impact of Lies:

MPC - How Lying Can Impact Your Mental Health

Science Direct - The physiology of (dis)honesty: does it impact health?

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