Re-educate flying monkeys & No Contact (& Enablers)

Do flying monkeys have flawed perceptions and a questionable past?

Why try to re-educate flying monkeys? It does nothing for modern living to have a few examples with a delusional view of the law and what abuse actually is, and what the fines for being a third-party abuser mean ‘abuse to cover up abuse under the same influence they do on themselves to justify their own actions’.

It's not really an exercise in helping the flawed; that is a long-term assessment; the design is to stop the bizarre face value low emotional intelligence created by a person who lives a lie and needs validation to re-position shame. A trick documented and studied, someone cannot handle the truth or the shame that they deny.

Find a large screen if you are ready for insight into cowardly, gutless behaviour, shocking, and detached behaviour. Why fall for something others just shake their heads at. Why fall for an undiagnosed abuser who does not want their hands dirty, so they use yours? Now, who looks like a monkey?

True or False: What is in a person is all they have to share. Mask or no mask, the core provides. How actions are taken and which are chosen are not a coincidence, especially when it comes to triangulation and attempting to own other people's perceptions for a person's gain and or abusing through others to hide the abuse, which gaslighting eventually fails to cover up. Red flag, red flag, and another red flag. What is unhealthy for one is unhealthy for two, and it will be harmful for three. Do the math… triangulation is a chargeable offence.

LL - Gaslighting: Examining the Warning Signs

There might be a slight bias towards all monkeys getting caught and charged, but at the same time, leave it alone to let others get on with their lives. It must be boring being a monkey if you have nothing better to do. Not everyone tolerates it, not everyone will stand for it, and not everyone goes easy. With cases exposed, ive seen a few cowards hiding behind masks. This subject just makes it easier to spot the core manipulator; they leave a trail. Silly monkeys, get back in your trees. (that sounds a bit dramatic, not on purpose for attention, seeking validation or to hide inside victimhood) A client isn’t happy, so time for education to the folk who no nothing of… Plus, high profile abusers masked and unmasked, I met a few, all giving off red flags.

Insight from numerous third parties, the positive third party with reference (especially the lady who discusses the fine for abuse who trains the authorities), the message is pretty straightforward:

The actions are pretty obvious when the facts are known correctly. The other reason is to stop FM’s in their tracks is to stop them from becoming a core manipulative narcissist themselves at a later date. Why do many avoid the offering (no thank you, do you own dirty work) but some fall for it? Marriage cheaters, fraudsters, heard mentally, sheep, the list goes on. Its when they direct something at someone is when it time to gather evidence to expose the core disruptor.

The largest recorded U-turn was not done overnight and not before a deceptive person claimed 600 victims. Learn about children who are narcissistic so the adult is narcissistic. One place to learn how to stop the action's…. or be charged with fines.

Abuses can come in a number of forms, using triangulation means someone is still trying to ‘own someones perception’, be aware. Flying monkeys have one place, not in your life, toxic is toxic.

Below is a section to help victims first… they are the priority in a highly deceptive abuse situation leading to charges.

If you are stuck in Chapter 2, let go of the fix. Healing vs Trauma Bond 1 & 2

Warning, stalking is a chargeable offence direct or indirect… its sign of something much more concerning than “I didn’t know.” The Flying Monkey/Stalker is classed as the abuser as well.

One key element to thank the flying monkeys for… without realising it… they replaced you inside a deceptive Cluster B Trauma Bond Abuse Cycle, but this time the lessor person with no moral core extends the abuse with blind ignorance… while you walked… left for good as you can spot what the Flying Monkey can’t… poor them… all is not lost… 1% can be educated… 99% will see a blank page and not see it in childhood, conversation or agenda to why the are abusing and thinking different about someone before they met a person hiding a disorder they chose not to admit too. For the 1%, dive in, time to leave someone’s highly manipulative matrix (if you can or remain an abusing coward) where people are looked through a lens and noted as objects to be abused or create abuse through triangulation… the biggest red flag for low emotional intelligence and self deception. How can a person tell they have low emotional intelligence? It takes 180 minutes to find out. Or 3 seconds. As for the 99%, the colour of the page is cream, magnolia… like the film.

Why should 1% of flying monkeys be attempted to not be a flying monkey? Lets not have absolutes, that will be lowering to another level. As a counsellor, its better to educate than turn a blind eye, that just leads to more trouble.

Stockholm Syndrome is it real? (Cleveland Clinic)

WebMD - What Is Stockholm Syndrome?

Psychology Today - The Risk Factors for Continuing the Cycle of Abuse (Where is all beings for some, years and layers of projection without full development so the adult world is not full of people… objects.)

Psychology Today - Trauma Bonding - 5 signs

Flying Monkey - Pick which is correct and which is false:

True or False: Flying Monkeys a poor body language readers; face value is all they need to be influenced. Only after a full reset can they see their influencer.

True or False: Fear of Exposure is driven by deception, lying, manipulation, abuse and a damaged perception that other people's perception is owned and can be used. A child's mind playing with toys has not been updated due to an abusive childhood or a no-accountability childhood.... or both, and fantasy issues were a byproduct. Not an adult, low prosocial skills influence others to do things others wouldn't do, giving the impression a lie could be true, and many assume lairs do not lie with such a convincing approach. All the while, offering more primary evidence in the secondary evidence as triangulation is a major red flag.

True or False: To spot a hidden core disruptor confusing the flying monkeys, look for the greedy person assuming they have ‘ownership over someone else’s perception’. The third-party abuse is the sign-off major red flag in the secondary evidence that compliments the primary evidence. The flying monkeys are the second group to be emotionally manipulated/abused to falsify a deceptive action away from the harmful core issue. Sometimes the obvious isn’t seen because someone is breaking ‘social norms’ with a lack of ‘prosocial considerations’ many would avoid. They expose themselves twice, four times, eight times. The third-party abuse greed always has a damaged feedback loop need, cover up at any expense with objects in place.

As mentioned above, before diving into films, links, references, and numerous essays and evidence of patterned behaviour and conclusions* - a little help for the victims by adding education and advice on boundaries to keep deception from destabilising positive foundations, energy and empathy used correctly. Look out for a narcissistic feed and seeking unhealthy validation, deception, fraud, and abuse to the point of harming others. This will turn into a smear campaign when the supply is cut off, they cannot help themselves if you can’t drip-feed the damaged ego.

The main essay for Flying Monkeys starts below the suggested films* to watch - For those needing to go No Contact, find References 9. further down, consider following the universal instructions without compromise to protect your mental health from someone else’s undiagnosed deceptive mental health agenda, extended abuse to cover-up abuse in numerous shapes and forms, well-versed gaslighting.

PBB - If you recognise these 7 subtle behaviours in others, you’re a highly observant person

Psychology Today - 3 Reasons People Unwittingly Sabotage Their Relationships

SBB - 9 traits of people who regularly fall out with friends and family, according to psychology

Cycle 1 - First and foremost, protect children from those who abuse other adults; the mindset is the same, influence those around to fit inside a facade with a purpose. Caregivers who do not protect children (the abuser) from themselves or others and can find themselves with charges if they do not protect a child/teenager/person from abuse they are aware of. Manipulators have masked for a long time, usually since childhood for a number of reasons, get professional help with complicated matters to make sure strong boundaries are in place when undiagnosed disorders are triggered to gain control. Even if the deceptive person/s tries to blame their actions onto others (targets will change over time), keep strong boundaries and document while they still keep going, as it is more evidence of gaslighting and emotional abuse. Old tricks may surface before the first cycle finishes, then the damage of other people’s networks will appear, trying to contain facts, turning other people against the victim. Fear of exposure may appear strange ways, double standards, drama, blame shift, a loss of control, love bombing, rage, the spectrum is already available to study. See links below.

Men and women can equally be manipulative, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men can receive the same undiagnosed abuse directly or indirectly. An overt male abuser may be easy to spot, and a covert female abuser may be much harder to spot, or the reverse. Both can be charged equally for going on to use a third party. Document right back into their childhood.

Cycle 2 - You could be dealing with a very harmful manipulative high-functioning undiagnosed disorder if Flying Monkeys/Enablers appear and they continue to abuse ‘through others’ to add to the gaslighting yet to be exposed. Read up on Cluster B. Malignant types will abuse and try to cover up via third-party, ‘not knowing when to stop’ and can’t process accountability, or must hide truth and fact at any cost. Gaslighting & Stalker charges (2015 UK law) can be used for boundaries. Educate as quickly as possible; many are not aware of ‘compensating behaviour’ that turns into smear campaigns via coercive control issues not getting their way to contain hidden behaviour. Those without an educated, emotionally balanced foundation struggle with feedback and control issues. Call 999 or 911 if you have brain fog and people coming at you from all angles. Triangulation is a major red flag as it is an extension of the hidden abuse in primary evidence, ‘trying to claim ownership over someone else’s perception at any cost’. Anyone going into No Contact can read to find out why a balanced person avoids many actions at all costs and an unbalanced/undiagnosed deceptive person gravitates to toxic actions… all to do with what is going on in the inside, not the false self-construct hiding it the public may only see, it there is anyone to blame other the deceptive person, it the……… of the deceptive person, so the cycle continues until someone breaks the chain.

Know it is not you creating your own brain fog, it could mean your gut and brain is trying to warn you ‘get out or drown in a gaslight trauma bond, you are being targeted’. Imagine a crash helmet covered over the ego only, hidden, filters sound and perception, keeping matters the same as it was in childhood without growth, only defence mechanisms, no coping mechanisms; everyone else has a role, like a child needing parents helping and to stop triggers. That is just one form of development to understand in the first instant. Gaslighting is getting everyone to go along with the narrowed perception of reality. Flying monkeys? The are the next target of the same agenda. What was learned in childhood, it is used on others when triggered if you have a different view, they can’t control it… hence ‘trying to control your perception’ through others abusing…

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Enablers: How to Recognize & Deal With One

FOS - Complaints That Involve Economic And Domestic Abuse

Choosing Therapy - Victim Mentality: Definition, Causes, & How to Stop

MBG - What Is Narcissistic Gaslighting? 7 Signs It's Happening To You

Psychology Today - Why Some People Will Always Blame Others

Psychology Today - 5 Ways Narcissists Compensate for Their Inferiority

WebMD - Toxic People: Signs to Look For

GEE - If A Person’s Dislike For You Is Strong, They’ll Usually Display These 7 Behaviours

Business Insider - I ghosted all the friends that left me feeling drained, I now focus on quality time with real friends

GEE - 8 Unique Habits Of Successful People Who Always Seem To Win At Life

Note - Intentional exposure to stop abuse: One key action to expose an abuser/s is to allow a smear campaign to happen. If safe, induce a smear campaign with truth and facts to trigger ‘fear of exposure’ if the hidden abuse is not to be tolerated from a deciding planned date. Control issues and undiagnosed disorders that harm others eventually expose themselves, fact. Boundries are important around special events such as marriages, births, birthdays, holidays, seasonal holidays and promotions. When making a boundary to expose any form of abuse, make sure the authorities or a professional is present or knows you are safe to expose.

Hurt/damaged/triggered people hurting others being closed doors can go on as long as they used to abuse in the way they assume is acceptable. They will harm what they can as they see it with no value like others appreciate, the bias cares little for depth that has no serving purpose, and jealousy can surface while suppressing truth, never seeing the core issues lie with them. The disorder may never allow them to see the truth of their strange lives, certain areas of the brain may not be active such as having a small amygdala or affected prefrontal cortex. Undiagnosed malignant born disorders not only harm the person, they first harm others may be with serious issues disconnected and compensating behaviours in a made-up world/facade… the triggers and lack of ability to accept feedback or accountability isn’t linked to a fully developed mind (unfortunately), the help they will avoid at all costs is actually the thing they need the most… finding out the truth is hard for a person who avoids with fantasy issues, they chose to control to fit the issues into a lifestyle unhealthy for one, unhealthy for two.

FOS - Complaints That Involve Economic And Domestic Abuse

What is economic and domestic abuse?

The Domestic Abuse Act emphasises that domestic abuse is not just physical violence but can also be emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse, coercive or controlling behaviour, and economic abuse.

It can also include exploitation and breaches of trust – such as spending someone else’s money or requiring them to buy things or take out debts. The Act makes economic abuse part of the statutory definition of domestic abuse.

Sample Insight… What is a victim/s actually away from abuse and why?

Sample - Awareness question for a flying monkey to choose as a marker for emotional intelligence when learning to see beyond face value, possibly for the first time. Exam time? Not really, repetition only in some places all this information is universal, the DSM5-TR covers the who, what, why, when, and how. Many websites links to the same patterned universal behaviour of the child hiding in the adult body without empathy and growth and very harmful unhealthy blamshifting comparison issues in the self-esteem or something else as well?

True or False: The flying monkey attack is the secondary group to be emotionally abused, gaslighted and manipulated by a deceptive emotional abuser. They provide secondary evidence to link to the very harmful primary evidence that someone wants to damage a truth of fact at any cost… showing an undiagnosed disorder in every action and statement with a damaged feedback loop created in childhood. The actions are not of a sound mind with consideration, empathy and emotional intelligence.

True or False: Third-party abuse is a major red flag, it is not the first sign of abuse, it is a breakout reaction as an attempt to ‘claim ownership over someone else’s perception’ and break any social system to choke any kind of truth or fact that conflicts with a damaged hidden ‘fit the narrative’. Home/work cultures that have flaws that never get fixed exist due to control issues contained in a facade. The facade fears exposure, and the generic reaction after charming and gaslighting others doesn’t work - is to blame the victim as accountability, stasis issues and hurt have never been processed correctly. “What are you on about?”. “It’s different when I do it.” “They did it to me.” Aggression and victim card go hand in hand, a red flag for lack of stability from a pathological lair.

Flying Monkeys?

Pural, you didn’t know there are a number of disconnected army members given different instructions and stories for inducing guilt or shame or abuse… tools… one must ‘gain control of someone's perception’ to slot into a dysfunctional enmeshment system with someone needing to feel in control with triggers… now everyone has their hands dirty to make is less obvious who is at the core pulling many strings… you get the drama; you are the drama, moulded through what? Watch out for the net… like in the film. Many never meet up to have chat; the core deceptive person needs to keep matters in control; usually, the authorities put everyone together in a case, clip the wings. (Added drama on purpose, never sarcasm, only facts.)

Good Therapy - When Family Relationships Become Toxic: The Trauma of Enmeshment

Choosing Therapy - What Is Enmeshment Trauma?

Healthline - What Is an Enmeshed Family?

Psychology Today - Are You a Narcissist’s Flying Monkey?

Kingdon of Hearts - Flying Monkeys

The Role of Flying Monkeys in Domestic Abuse

Flying monkeys in the context of domestic abuse play various roles, all of which serve to reinforce the abuser’s control and manipulation:

  1. Spread Disinformation: They may spread lies and rumours about the victim, often echoing the narcissist’s narrative to discredit and isolate the victim further.

  2. Harassment and Intimidation: Flying monkeys can also engage in direct harassment, sending messages or making calls on behalf of the abuser, serving to intimidate and control the victim.

  3. Spying and Reporting Back: In some cases, they act as the eyes and ears of the abuser, reporting back on the victim’s activities and state of mind.

  4. Enabling Denial: Their actions can provide the abuser with plausible deniability, as the abuser can claim they are not directly responsible for the actions of others.

Re-educate flying monkeys & enablers…

Research Essay -

Summary 1: Multi-contribution, enlighten a possible delusional third party with facts and figures and chargeable offences due to abusing to cover up abuse. Being used by an undiagnosed disorder hidden under a charm or victim card that goes back to childhood, where everything begins. 50 plus links for referencing.

Summary 2: True or False? The research suggests a flying monkey has too many issues to U-turn their actions; they can’t think for themselves correctly, so they cannot see puppet strings in their own life and history, so they can’t identify newly attached reins. Gaslighting is the air they breathe as it is all they have known.

Being an educated optimist, a consideration could suggest this - 1% can change their mind… 1% can create a chain reaction in more ways than 1. And the core disruptor gets the professional help they may have avoided or ignored more than once. Charges brought against the core disruptor/abuser operating under the radar attempting to cover up with abuse to cover up abuse means all flying monkeys look, well, very silly or stupid on a broader scale, showing their emotional intelligence isn’t what they assume as it is with their actions and education about life and people. Not every adult body has an adult mind; the evidence is seen in the actions, statements, an processing when matters aren’t what they appear to be.

The emotional puzzle can’t be seen if it can’t be felt, if it can’t be felt, then we have a puppet on the loose. What all victims of other people’s undiagnosed disorders learn over time, some people are not operating with empathy, and they may not know they lack empathy as it is all they have known. Circle of confusion “What are you on about?”

Can you help a flying monkey? That is a tough question to ask, really tough. Asking the flying monkey’s parents five questions would probably show why it can be harder to treat than psychopathy, the non-malignant type. Born disorders don’t always lead to harming others; three important factors lead to that.

One - Suppression in childhood and no growth due to genetics precursors, so the abuse cycle continues, a person is too cowardly to change or break a chain, they know what they know, and a clone appears overt or covert in the next family cycle (it always start at home in childhood, it doesn’t appear in someone’s 30/40’s). Two - No accountability damages by removing a genuine and authentic balanced perception or foundation in adulthood. Third: Both. Disorders created from a reaction to something, conditioning, bad role modelling create enmeshment systems that lead to fantasy issues, damaged feedback loops, and empathy via mirror neurons don’t develop. Biology? Science? Psychology? Only a fly monkey can help themselves, no one can teach them something if it can’t be processed and felt. The same goes for everyone. Empathy and emotional intelligence are the foundation for growth and intelligence and long-term stability and self-awareness. So what went wrong? How does a delusional person block out all common sense even when others step back? The educated optimist can believe 1 in 100 can think twice and go on to do the opposite and say, “Do you own dirty work, I want no part of this, if you have something to say, say it directly, not through gossip or smear to harm others, are you sure you have don’t nothing wrong to upset someone?”

Listening to a manipulator can be like watching a film, a one-sided influence to observe. Not everyone picks up sticks/armour/swords and charges on horses in the streets after watching an action movie. Some do, pay attention to how and why they do it, it give away a huge character assessment.

True or False: Every flying monkey has something to hide, they also fear exposure for something, so they can’t process truth and fact like a balanced person, so their past is used against them (authorities gathering evidence) when they show a set of dirty hands. (This curious question might appear more than once, it links the puzzle to how a manipultor targets the flying monkey like their victim/s to cover up harmful actions.)

Type A: Expose something, at first, receive third-party abuse to cover up abuse. Type B: Go along with something. Type C: Do nothing. Type D: Create irreversible damage through fear of exposure linked to abuse, deception, fraud, manipulation, gaslighting, triangulation and a hidden disorder. Type E: Do something negative without a single consideration. (The correct answer to the puzzle is in the research essay, which at first, might appear to be a puzzle.)

GEE - 8 types of people who never deserve a second chance, according to psychology

Test 1 & 2: (If marked wrong, inform the authorities you have been used to extend abuse to cover up abuse. They may already have your details and a character review with past actions if there are more than two enablers.)

True or False: If a flying monkey/s abuse people or groups in a confirmed No Contact position away from an abuser/s who uses others to extend control and abuse, the charges are double as the secondary evidence, also known as triangulation/coverup/puppet master abuse escalates the link to the primary evidence…. the core hidden need for No Contact. The covert detached abuser/s clearly showing a mask, hidden agenda, and zero empathy for others, doesn’t care for the charges brought against the flying monkeys as they are objects with a purpose only to extend and use abuse to cover up abuse. Trying to covertly/indirectly claim ownership over someone’s perception with gaslighting. The failure of constant gaslighting leads to smear and triangulation… there is no other reason other than a need to cover up something without getting hands dirty, avoid direct confrontation knowing all the lies behind the eyes won’t go away if someone disagrees. A Cluster B action linked to confusion over accountability, so charming and harming and gaslighting the victim through others only shows there are undiagnosed harmful people trying to cover something with a damaged feedback loop inside a fit the narrative perception, linked to childhood issues.

WebMD - What Is Gaslighting?

Psychology Today - Understanding Triangulation

PsychCentral - Triangulation: The Narcissists Best Play

True or False: Triangulation is a trigger to cover up abuse, fraud, gaslighting and disinformation with further disinformation linked to fantasy issues. Using abuse to cover up abuse links to childhood experiences and differences in the brain that can be seen with charm and professional victim card actions and the approach to blameshift away using the actions used against the victim while claiming that is what the actions of the victim. One party will try to avoid and disconnect; the other will hire in an attempt to gaslight further to smother truth and fact. Self-deception and a lack of accountability are only the surface issues; the mind is not processing correctly in other areas of a filtered effect reality perception. Emotional reactions to feedback are questionable, immature, met with rage or passive aggression. If a narcissistic injury is induced on purpose to exposure and document, the narcissistic person cannot see the trap they create to exposure themselves.

CD - Breaking the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

WebMD - Causes of Controlling Behavior

Several things can drive controlling behaviour.

The most common are anxiety disorders and personality disorders. People with anxiety disorders feel a need to control everything around them in order to feel at peace. They may not trust anyone else to handle things the way they will.

Controlling behaviours can also be a symptom of several personality disorders, such as histrionic personality, borderline personality, and narcissistic personality. These disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed healthcare professional.

Charges against flying monkeys - This is where it gets interesting. Usually, it will end up with the Flying Monkeys having the same abuse charges as the undiagnosed person at the core of any ‘conquer and divide’ situation trying to deflect, blame shift through others to coverup via others once victim/target inside a facade has stopped accepting behind closed doors.

True or False: Many may not know a flying monkey can charge their influencer with emotional abuse in the same way the original victim/victims can change the core manipulator for various abuse changes linked to the secondary evidence and the primary evidence. Boundaries have been abused, and so have human rights. Disinformation and emotionally affect a person into thinking differently about a victim or truth seeker, but them in the place as the abuser to induce guilt or shame. The table can be turned once the truth is out.

References 1: (Cluster B)

Psychology Today - Dealing With a Narcissist in Disguise

G & W Attorneys of Law - Why Narcissists Cheat and Make False Accusations to Cover It Up

WebMD - What Are Cluster B Personality Disorders?

PsychCentral - All About Cluster B Personality Disorders

MentalHealth - Types of personality disorders

Psychology Today - Cluster B

VeryWellMindMind - The 4 Types of Cluster B Personality Disorders

References 2: (Flying Monkeys)

Very Well Mind - What the Term 'Flying Monkeys' Means When We Talk About Narcissism

PsychCentral - Narcissists and Their Flying Monkeys

References 3: (Low emotional Intelligence)

VeryWellMind - Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence

Medical News Today - Low Emotional Intelligence: What to know

Healthline - 12 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence — Plus Tips for Building It

Simply Psychology - Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence

VeryWellMind - You Can Increase Your Emotional Intelligence in 3 Simple Steps—Here's How

References 4: (Processing the self or lack of, self-diagnosis)

Psychology Today - Why Some People Will Always Blame Others

Simply Psychology - Why Can Narcissists Not Accept Blame?

VeryWellMind - What Is the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath? (Laws don’t apply to me, who cares vs. I like it when they cry)

PsychCentral - Narcissistic Test

PsychCentral - Psychopathy Test

Psychology Today - Psychopathy Test

Simply Psychology - Dark Triad Personality Traits (Machiavellianism (strategic exploitation and deceit)

VeryWellMind - Symptoms of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) and Treatment

LH - PHD - Narcissist vs. Sociopath vs. Psychopath: What’s the Difference?

Choosing Therapy - Sociopath Vs. Psychopath Vs. Narcissist: What Is the Difference?

Psychology Today - Is Psychopathy Treatable?

Ayo & Iken – 20 Ways to Spot the Psychopath in Your Life

References 5:

SBB - People who maintain a youthful spirit into old age typically engage in these 9 activities

PBB - 10 signs that someone lacks intelligence and class, according to psychology

Being good at lying came from bad role modelling, issues in childhood, genetics and a need to mask to the point where something else formed… a second personality… But the other one on the inside never went away… the undeveloped part that still needs to process everything or deflect it. Look for blameshifting or blame the victim with only parts of a jigsaw someone else may know the full picture that take down the whole smear/triangluation.

Two choices: Learn how Cluster B behaves (predictable once educated) in a very deceptive way when triggered or fears exposure and they will harm everything no matter the outcome, someone is to blame, the truth must be broken in the delusion/disorder/manipulative person eyes (the lies sit right behind them). Review the actions and be a detective, help a victim by changing your emotional intelligence so charges are not brought against you in a coverup that could more than meet the eye, beyond face value. Call it what you like, it’s not based on fact or truth, it’s a reaction to something and going through people is a giveaway or what is professionally known as… a red flag. Why is triangulation a major red flag??? If you are involved in someone’s triangulation run, the authorities will have your character assessment and life history reviewed as the facts and actions taken by yourself mean you could face the charge for using abuse to cover up abuse. And the victim who tries to remove themselves could be tested to appear like the person doing what the Cluster B type is actually doing. That is called… nothing fancy, poor imagination, they use what is in their mind already and push it away because it cannot be processed, which is more gaslighting than anything. All are chargeable, look at the Domestic Abuse page for a list or classifications.

What is the second choice? Read on and realise it is best not to do that action for a number of reasons; it could be a situation so many lawyers, solicitors, and professionals like cases where triangulation is involved… as those cases can go back decades with someone assuming ‘they own someone else’s perception’ (major red flag, showing control issues spoken in a coded sentence) linked to Coercive Control. The whole triangulation/flying monkeys action is actually secondary to a much bigger case but shows control issues in a n extension without hands being dirty? Using others to induce guilt and shame away from a charming or victim card hidden disorder and damaged feedback loop.

The action you might be trying to achieve is the secondary evidence; the primary evidence will link up to the ‘need to cover up something’, not cover up ‘nothing’. So who has their hands dirty now? Who do the authorities investigate first? The approach is evidence-based based “What did you do in the first instant? Who made you do it” That question could have subtext such as ‘do you put your head in the oven because someone asked you too?’

Repeat - While playing catch up, secondary evidence will link up to the primary evidence, the need to smear through others with an undiagnosed disorder and a history of choices with a trigger from a huge list of lies hidden behind the eyes. Generic strategy - look at how children respond if they are not thinking with empathy or empathy has not developed yet. Hence - drama, attention seeking, narcissistic feed/supply, narcissistic injury. If you don’t know what that means, you might be in much deeper trouble than you think.

Put a child in an adult situation of accountability, matters may turn sideways. Mix a child’s mind with an adult body together without a history of questionable hidden choices, and you have something else. A very good/comfortable liar is simply a practising person who needed to deny a truth from their childhood… so the cycle continues and is used in a malignant way. Accountability, shame and guilt are pushed away by any means necessary, charm and deflection until trigers or a cycle cannot contain the facts that taught the ‘fit the narrative timeline.’ It’s always the case, that some don’t grow, they copy what they witnessed creating dysfunctional enmeshment family systems over and over again… golden child, scapegoat, empathy giver, enabler or claimed friends (objects) to serve/stimulation by just listening without feedback or distracting for attention or someone to compare to feel better about the internal mess ignored. Distraction and public image hide only on a temporary basis like any fake matter, a botox top-up for the personality with a narcissistic feed.

Look at their past or how they see their own life and others, the filter that tries to ‘fit a narrative’ can be 24/7. If that is the case, run, the matter will turn toxic if their false reality is questioned.

G & W Attorneys of Law - Why Narcissists Cheat and Make False Accusations to Cover It Up

FOS - Complaints That Involve Economic And Domestic Abuse

Intension - Delusion and abuse play a part in not being able to see who is the core issue (always projecting and talking about others when they are not present), the hurt person hurting others or needing validation at any expense (narcissistic supply) who has to mask shocking choices has to harm to will expose the real person behind the self-construct and facade and the development years that made that person.

Malignant Cluster B with an affected childhood or no accountability childhood will avoid getting help; use charm and deflection instead as it is easier for a hidden ‘damaged feedback loop’ and ‘fragile ego’ or ‘harmed low self-esteem’ to project elsewhere in a manipulative way to avoid facing guilt, shame and accountability. “It was you who started this; look what you have done to others and how you have used them” can slay an abusive, harmful hurt person who has decades of shame to face. All the lies behind the eye mount up along with an affected development stage.

The false self-construct is the element that hides all of the internal it so they walk around in public without a need to change… accord to them or others who take matters at face value.

The permanent damage inside the narcissist is handed over to Flying Monkeys after the gaslighting stops working on those inside the trauma bond/facade who had a purpose or position to the covert narcissist, so now the Cluster B personality disorder (not yet spotted) goes outside the perimeter where matters continue to project with damages (another red flag) so the statement “If I am hurting, so will they” becomes an agenda. “If it can’t be shared, it will be used to hide the truth.”

Although the ‘truth’ is something else inside the ‘fit the narrative’ mindset mixed with the childhood influence, the delusional part and childhood education become intertwined with a new purpose… the ‘coverup’ and those who lack education or a moral core may then be warped by their own hidden issues and become the extending abuse to cover up the abuse.

This action of deception, using others, is yet only another giveaway that a person is not processing and living with accountability. A smear campaign is a reaction to ‘something’, not a reaction to ‘nothing’.

What Psychology Today has mentioned a number of times for a good reason:

You can be with a covert narcissist for years, even decades, and not see through their behaviour.

  • Therapy is like training for covert narcissists because it shows them the right language to use.

  • Covert narcissists are so skilled at manipulation that if you confront them, they can convince you that you're the problem.

  • Improving a relationship with a covert narcissist can be impossible since harmony and love is not their goal.

Psychology Today - Dealing With a Narcissist in Disguise

What the search engine AI says:

Covert narcissists use a variety of tactics to cover up their behaviour, including: 

  • Denial: They may deny being wrong or minimize the impact of their actions. For example, they may say "It's not that big of a deal". 

  • Confusion: They may twist the truth or deny it, making it difficult to know what's real. For example, if a partner suspects an affair, they may deny it, provide false evidence, or accuse the partner of being paranoid. 

  • Blaming and projecting: They may shift attention away from themselves and blame others for their own toxic behaviour. 

  • Gossiping and slandering: They may perceive disagreement as unfair or unreasonable. 

  • Passive-aggressive statements: They may use self-deprecation or passive-aggressive statements to display their need for admiration. 

  • Feigning helplessness: They may play the victim to control others. 

Covert narcissism is a more subtle form of narcissism that can be difficult to detect. To protect yourself, you can set clear boundaries and try not to respond emotionally. This is sometimes called "going grey rock".

It's not possible to re-educate flying monkeys, but it is possible to overcome their influence and heal from narcissistic abuse: 

  • Understand flying monkeys

    Flying monkeys are people who act on behalf of a narcissist, often out of fear, manipulation, or a desire to please. They can be people-pleasers who want to avoid disappointing the narcissist. 

  • Build a support network

    Surround yourself with people who understand narcissistic abuse, such as trusted friends, family, or therapists. 

  • Seek professional help

    A therapist who specializes in trauma and narcissistic abuse can help you overcome the impact of flying monkeys. 

  • Realize that some flying monkeys may always know

    Some flying monkeys may know they're participating in abuse from the beginning and not care. 

The term "flying monkeys" comes from The Wizard of Oz, where the wicked witch used these creatures to do her bidding.

Malignant narcissism is a term that describes a type of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) that can be especially dangerous. People with NPD can have an inflated sense of self-esteem, and their behaviour and mood can be driven by feedback from others. When they don't receive the positive feedback they expect, they can become angry, anxious, or depressed. 

NPD is one of four types of Cluster B personality disorders, which are mental health conditions that affect how people think, feel, and act:

  • Antisocial personality disorder

    People with this disorder may manipulate others, disregard the safety of others, and disregard the law.

  • Borderline personality disorder

    People with this disorder may experience emotional instability and have an unstable sense of self.

  • Histrionic personality disorder

    People with this disorder may crave attention, be obsessed with their appearance, and throw temper tantrums. 

People with Cluster B personality disorders may have difficulty regulating emotions, trouble maintaining relationships, and significant distress. They may also exhibit dramatic, erratic, or extremely emotional behaviour.

“They will do what they know best even when told not to do it, which is a sign of a disorder and missing empathy for others. The truth hurts too much to face it.”


One option - Remove all toxic elements from your life, apply boundaries and distance, re-direct quality time to quality people who won’t abuse or gaslight, or use others to induce guilt or shame. They most likely have no clue how to manage their own life with authentic success, so they don’t have a say in your choices to protect your mental health against undiagnosed disorders. Any action linked to extending abuse to cover up abuse and a chargeable offence, document, and inform the authorities. Toxic people will still come knocking, red flag; they still believe they ‘own your perception of them’ until they are charged with being a stalker or the third party stalker is charged.

What is harmful to one will be harmful for two, and if flying monkeys want the toxic dressed up as something else, then they carry the burden that was once directed without just cause at others. A facade is a deeply harmful place to live inside, a false reality without triggers, and people are dolls or objects around fragile internal issues that, is in fact, on the narcissistic person’s problem to deal with.

No amount of charm or abuse to have an undeveloped mind will help. Only the narcissist can seek guidance, and then the professional has to unpeel back the layers that mask the ego’s true identity and connection, not accountability, and many try to lie to the professional as well… who sees everything day in and day out when trained and educated on matters beyond face value. Deception keeps on exposing itself until there is none to turn to and the disruptor has to face the truth.

So who is kidding who while caught up in a lie? The liar must lie to themselves before they lie to others, which then harms their final 5 years of life according to the research and feedback (harmful lies), they never grow up, so they pretend and it sticks, a life as a faker who can’t face the truth is quite sad really.

There are enough real people on the planet to not have faker with fakers around them believing in some fantasy about other lives or purpose. 8 billion people on the planet; you can fool some people some of the time, but not everyone all of the time; find closure with the right people who don’t smell something behind a mask. The interesting part is how they manage to camoflogue for so long. That is on everyone else; they don’t, not to everyone; the key is to have the right education to see it all for what it is, beyond Truth Bias, all micro-expressions, comments, statements and actions, any kind of abuse how every strange, weird or odd, it all right in front of anyone who is correctly educated to spot it a mile off.


If You Are A Flying Monkey, consider these elements that may make you continue extending abuse with abuse even when you should stop and reflect. There could be low emotional intelligence and never a need to develop it… what stimulates you might distract you from accountability… until now. The law may differ from your view if you abuse and claim, “They ask me to do it.” Or something in the past that needs hiding or can’t be seen for what it is (try a test) lairs can’t face the truth, so it might be hard to do it on your own. Harmful at the expense of others but gained something os you do it again; someone did it to you in childhood (hurt people hurting other people); detachment means you may continue the same as what was taught and only what is known through conditioning, can only go of face value and think very little other peoples feelings so relations have a shallow purpose with eventual consequences.

Psychopathy is more treatable than NPD, so if you are born not caring and didn’t receive abuse, the matters can change, best not to harm without realising to consequences of a matter which will not be fully explained, and you take the fall for it from a machiavellian type who uses others and steps back.

There are people in the world far more educated and much more aware of themselves and others than the average Cluster B abuser or enabler who has a chip on their shoulder. Due to genetics, an anchor inside a cowardly action or yet-to-be-exposed disorder through a court system, it is wise to only dig in one’s own dirt in case the floor falls beneath your feet, in a trap to catch a cat burglar in the act. If the internet is full of advice on how triangulation is created by a disorder, surely there is a bigger percentage of people ready to catch them out. Up top 6% can cause harm to a bigger percentage, but it’s not all the 94%.

True or False: Only 1% of flying monkeys live an innocent life with accountability; one must hope with fantasy they are the 1%. That could be the job for a professional and deep pockets… or get a real hobby.

SBB - People who maintain a youthful spirit into old age typically engage in these 9 activities

For further insight into how some may take matters at face value, check out the Human Experiments web page.

GEE - People who lack common sense usually display these 8 traits

PBB - 10 signs that someone lacks intelligence and class, according to psychology

References 5:

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples

Simply Psychology - Why Can Narcissists Not Accept Blame?

VeryWellMind - Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence

Choosing Therapy - What Is Narcissistic Supply?

UK Information -

  • Police (emergency) 999

  • 24 hour domestic violence helpline 0808 2000 247 www.nationaldomestic

  • National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline 0300 999 5428 or 0800 999 5428

  • National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300

  • Stop Online Abuse For help to apply for a nonmolestation order

  • CourtNav

  • Find a lawyer The Law Society 0207 320 5650


  • Ministry of Justice 020 3334 3555


  • Resolution (to find a family law specialist lawyer) 020 3841 0300

  • Public Access Portal

True or False: A one to one ‘behind closed doors manipulative gaslighter’ uses others to triangulate (flying monkeys)  to further guilt trip or shame or both in an attempt to try and claim ‘ownership of your perception’. If the attempt fails the try to harm the network to make the victim look like the bad guy… Further signs of an undiagnosed personality disorder are created in the development stages (childhood). Control and abuse issues are now seen and used through others... obvious when you look at the big picture. The flying monkey or enablers won’t see all of the pieces of the jigsaw.

Part of the cluster B disorder and control issues is the ‘fit the narrative’ agenda. Only seeing half of something means they do not they are supplying in the ‘secondary evidence’ which is well documented across the internet. The sad part is with all the education on tap, the same action still happens; the mind-blindness (damaged cognitive bias of only thinking of themselves) continues with individuals right up to a point a judge is fining them for slander/defemination, instructing them get professional help or abuse charges. Children hiding in adult bodies exist that way for a reason, and it is not anyone else’s responsibility to enable the avoidance of professional help.

*Anyone caught abusing or abusing to cover up abuse, bating, extending abuse on behalf of someone, manipulating, any type of aggression, it is chargeable, and the Cluster B core disruptor not only damages one, but it also damages anyone who operates inside the facade in their influence. Respect is lost, and people show their true colours and their lack of emotional intelligence. The core disruptor can have way of exposing themselves and people not worth thinking about, so new balanced people have time and space where others never really respected boundaries.

SBB - People who maintain a youthful spirit into old age typically engage in these 9 activities

References 6:

WebMD - Signs of Controlling Behavior

WebMD - What Is Gaslighting?

Psychology Today - Understanding Triangulation

WebMD - Narcissism: Symptoms and Signs

PsychCentral - 6 Things Someone with Narcissistic Traits Would ‘Never’ Do

HelpGuide - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

NCBI - Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Clinical Health Psychology Practice

Other essays cover Flying Monkeys, Smear Campaigns, and others linked to incredibility emotionally mature actions generated behind a mask personality; the key is everyone else becomes educated as the person who never grew in childhood won’t understand emotions and reality like everyone else. Triangulation is a key flag for anyone or everyone to stand back and let the authorities investigate (covertly to gather evidence). If a person chooses not to sue the authorities but wants others to harm, abuse, or gaslight them even to a point where is will permanently harm and further relations, surely that is a delusional l short-term think flashing red flag and a taster of what is hidden from the conversation.

If someone asks another to put their head in the fire… then what were they doing to their targeted victim who chose not to go along with something… that makes the victim smart and the flying monkey extremely stupid? Always study and asses the actions of a person, not the person… professionally speaking. Using any kind of force is clearly and act linked to a lack of respect for boundaries and choices not to be in a facade or to receive abuse; how can a flying monkey not see that? Look at the past or history of choices; it blinds them from seeing themselves or the effect they have… another red flag… two red flags = Toxic. Apparently, toxic people don’t know when to stop until the authorities stop them when it’s too late to say “I didn’t know” and “they made me do it.” No wonder ovens break I the covert kitchen of control issues.

One of the most confusing elements for people with core values is there are different types of people who have no core values at all; only their thoughts with no feedback, as feedback is seen as an attack on reality. The mask may only slip when accountability is presented and avoided, hence the need to triangulate and make the monkeys fly in the wrong direction. It makes sense when you look at it. If something can’t get in the brain and the brain has layers of defence mechisms and no coping mechanisms, low emotional intelligence, the deception they do behind closed doors when triggered will be seen once again… going further to cause more damage wit ha twisted assumptions of the outcome (control acting to control). The act is defined - malignant Cluster B exposures it self.

Stalkers are charged via using other people (triangulation), see the Types of Stalker page.

Domestic abusers are charged via using (triangulation) other people, see Domestic Abuse (subtle) page.

Caregivers who do not protect children from abuse or abuse are charged, see the Safeguard Children page.

CD - Breaking the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse (It has been well documented that narcissistic people can make more narisstic people, like a disease through the generations.)

"The blind leading the blind" is an idiom[1] and a metaphor in the form of a parallel phrase; it is used to describe a situation where a person ignorant of a given subject is getting advice and help from another person who is just as ignorant of the subject.

Enablers are not specialists or professionals, but they could harm with blame, damage and charm as they are being farmed… there will never be just one, which is a sign of an agenda rubbing their hands when no one is looking. Who wants to be tricked by a disorder to disrupt balance and order… divide and conquer (people are objects through not knowing love in childhood)… or charge the covert narcissistic person for never understanding people on any level? Many do once the truth is out, and all the good people left the monkeys and their banana skins and slip-ups.

ES - Six Mind Games Narcissist’s Play To Divide And Conquer

Smaller Amygdala: Once educated on actions, statements, and body language, knowing how the ‘many react’ will know how the ‘few react’ in a number of situations. It’s not star signs; it is biology; malignant types are different; they know they are different…, but you are not meant to know that…. that would ruin what is only known to survive (to use rather than deeply connect). The mask of sanity is there for a reason. Not every psychopath is malignant; triangulation is a malignant action.

One action to be aware of linked to coercive control issues and those who may have life no in the sunshine, hiding in the shadows… it’s trying to damage systems and networks and then love bombs after claiming no connection to damage. As crazy as it sounds, people are used as objects behind closed doors and social networks are seen as a way of escaping the abuser, so the abuser triangulates to break and distract… look at Factor one psychopathy with narcissism making malignant types, which means they were born without empathy (check family history for generations of questionable behaviour not discussed correctly) and then the childhood experiences added to damaging the feedback loop, it is a matter for the police and court orders to contain the damage through others who should know better. Call 999 (UK), or 911 (US). High-functioning types are harder to spot, and that means decades of abuse. The loud type is easily spotted.

NIH - Yes, psychopathic individuals have smaller amygdalas than people without psychopathy: 

  • Brain scans

    Studies have shown that the amygdala of people with psychopathy are significantly smaller than those of people without psychopathy, both in the left and right sides of the brain. 

  • Correlation with psychopathy scores

    Reduced amygdala volume is correlated with higher psychopathy scores, particularly for the interpersonal and affective facets of psychopathy. 

  • Neurobiological basis

    Amygdala abnormalities are a key part of the neurobiological basis of psychopathy. 

  • Fear response

    People with psychopathy may have difficulty identifying fear in others and generating a fear response themselves. 

  • Risk factor

    Reduced amygdala volume in adulthood is linked to an increased risk of future psychopathic and antisocial behaviour. 

The amygdala is a part of the brain that's essential for recognizing fear in others. Damage to the amygdala in rats and monkeys can lead to a lack of fear, similar to what's seen in psychopathic people.

Abnormal Brain Region Characterizes Those With Psychopathy

Science Direct - Associations between amygdala nuclei volumes, psychosis, psychopathy, and violent offending

Science Direct - How reliable are amygdala findings in psychopathy? A systematic review of MRI studies

Oxford AC - Psychopathic traits influence amygdala–anterior cingulate cortex connectivity during facial emotion processing

Puzzle: There are four types of cowardice; three are indirect.

References 7:

PBB - 8 types of people you should stop being friends with, according to psychology

SBB - Men who pretend to be nice but actually aren’t usually display these 10 subtle behaviours

Bassline - 8 emotionally intelligent men reassure and validate their partners without saying a word

BB - 10 classy phrases that make people instantly respect you, according to psychology

SBB - If a woman uses these phrases regularly, she is a master at setting healthy boundaries

SBB - If you tolerate these 9 behaviours from people, you seriously lack self-respect

Psychology Today - Lying and the Permissions That Enable It

Baseline - 8 phrases emotionally intelligent people use to assert boundaries without being confrontational

Psychology Today - 4 Most Important Things in Long-Term Intimate Relationships

GEE - 8 types of people who never deserve a second chance, according to psychology

Sign off: Exposing high-functioning female and male abusers ends with triangulation. It’s a hallmark red flag that exposes a serious problem in the secondary evidence. A highly manipulative and abusive agenda needs to be owned/cover up by gaslighting a person/victim’s perception while no one is looking at the primary evidence… when that fails, break the victim’s network by using others with more emotional manipulation/lies/deception to induce guilt or shame with further abuse to choke and deceive in the same way. It’s very obvious that the agenda is simply continuing to harm in the same capacity… the agenda is still operating within the same parameters… a clear sign of an undiagnosed controlling disorder created in childhood…. unless sabotage is considered as an act of kindness and using low emotional intelligent people to act as puppets to extend abuse inside families/work/social foundations.

References 8:

DVSN - September 2023: Toxic Triangulation – Third-Party Manipulation

CDB - Domestic abuse of any kind must not stay “hidden behind closed doors”

NAPAC - Recovering from Childhood Abuse

Behind closed doors - Domestic abuse is always unacceptable. (1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men)

From the start, this is all deeply wrong and harmful - A balanced approach to allow people live, grow and develop with a full education has no triangulation, its a deceptive cowardly act designed to get other people to have dirty hands and those who have dirty hands already think less of any consequence. Until they are tarnished with the same brush.

Yet another red flag hiding in plain sight to those who lack education on such destruct zero empathy for others under the radar actions of malignant Cluster B. Two types of isolation for example, to look for a marriage partner not living in a equal relationship, the social networks are harmed when the try to leave or the children try to remove themselves from the enmeshment system surrounding an undiagnosed disorder.

True or false: 99% of abuse is done behind closed doors, and it appears that way because abusers learned to cover their tracks by watching their parents live double life doing exactly the same actions that they learned if part of an abuse cycle.

Abuse, personality disorders, and trauma can run in families because of bad role modelling; someone isn’t living or thinking with balance or genuine, authentic consideration, fact.

If they are hurting, others must feel hurt as well, or the charming mask cracks when they have to explain why they are left with no one to prop up the facade.

The positive side to triangulation is it shows evidence of something not sound that has been masked for years, at least now it is out in the open and others who are smart enough to spot it, can document everything, including the authorities… covert abuse is the same as overt abuse, not acceptable. Don’t add to a situation with sheer blind ignorance. Hidden aggression has charm, deflection, triggers, a bias, strange comments when a system has failed, using others… open the oven and put your head inside; that's why the old saying was invented, to stop stupid people from continuing to be stupid.

In case clarity is still required for very short-term thinkers who like abusing for stimulation, release in the way they do in their own lives, and see triangulation as a way to vent for free:

1) Never abuse in social media. (everything is tracked and backed up in servers; accounts will be lost, and court evidence will pile up.)

2) Never appear outside someone else’s children's school without warning (stalkers charges, a dangerous harmful act, child safeguarding, total detachment, possible psychopathy comes into question, the born disorder.)

3) Never appear outside someone’s work without warning (the authorities will be called by the business owner)

4) Never appear outside someone's home without warning (authorities are called, child safeguarding)

5) Never harm other people’s social/friend networks with disinformation; you will be removed permanently by anyone who sees triangulation, the authorities will be called to document, and professionals will asses the actions and create a character assessment, no boundaries; no awareness but all the charges stick to you and the core abuser.

6) Never take anything on face value, a manipulator’s face lies and playing catch up means you have eventually arrived here… only to realise your influencer was way smarter than you and you were used without thinking twice. Time to think for a third time without being the third-party abuser… don’t be a flying monkey, enabler, pawn, simple hand who just listens, never thinks or acts without thinking… the charges for stupid echo through life.

Gaslighting under stress - Every person should leave when they hear, “it is different when I do it”. That is a simple manipulative justification inside a very harmful ‘fit the narrative’ damaged feedback loop that refers to something with a harmful bias. If those words need to be thought of and used, it won’t be the only manipulation to be used and something was learned.

To state the obvious*** - Any type of aggression through third-party… it must have existed somewhere else first. When people try to leave an abuser, they will be tested and ‘doubled down’, so look for victims needing to go No Contact with boundaries in place or a need to expose directly… and so a third party is used to shut down exposure.

Research: For those stepping Away - Choosing Therapy offers a set of instructions when dealing with undiagnosed personality disorders and the actions around that disorder; it is key when playing ‘catch up’ to observe why those instructions are paramount. Secondary evidence will surface on its own, so have strong boundaries in place and a chosen support system. Those who have ‘unhealthy validation’ needs will have an audience ready to be used to justify any actions with a conflicting Professional Victim Card, something linked to still having the child mind present in the adult aged brain, double standards, sending photographs without text to use to distract/gaslight, blaming the victim, anything to break boundaries to gain control. Always gain the advice of the professional community.

References 9: (A handbook for observation and documentation)

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Enablers: How to Recognize & Deal With One

Choosing Therapy - Emotional Manipulation: Signs & How to Cope

Choosing Therapy - Trauma Bonding: Definition, Signs, & How to Break One

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Injury: Definition, Signs, & Examples

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Smear Campaign: What It Is, Tactics, & How to Deal With It

Choosing Therapy - 9 Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics & How to Deal

Choosing Therapy - Victim Mentality: Definition, Causes, & How to Stop

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Signs, Symptoms, & Treatments

Choosing Therapy - What Is the No Contact Rule?

Choosing Therapy - Going No Contact With a Narcissist: Everything You Need to Know

Choosing Therapy - Childhood Trauma: Types, Causes, Signs, & Treatments

Womens Aid - How common is domestic abuse?

Womens Aid - Myths about domestic abuse

Here are some situations when individuals may wish to utilize the no-contact rule:

The no contact rule with a narcissist involves the following:

  • No phone calls or texting with the person

  • No contact via a third party

  • Blocking them from your social media

  • Not following them on their social media

  • Not staying friends

  • Not accepting gifts from them

  • Not dwelling on thoughts of them

    Not planning to get revenge on them

FOS - Complaints That Involve Economic And Domestic Abuse

What is economic and domestic abuse?

The Domestic Abuse Act emphasises that domestic abuse is not just physical violence but can also be emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse, coercive or controlling behaviour, and economic abuse.

It can also include exploitation and breaches of trust – such as spending someone else’s money or requiring them to buy things or take out debts. The Act makes economic abuse part of the statutory definition of domestic abuse.

Yes, narcissistic people may use intentional vagueness as a manipulative tactic:

  • Meaningless or open to multiple interpretations

    Narcissists may say something so vague that it's meaningless or could be interpreted in multiple ways.

  • Distracting from concerns

    Narcissists may use vagueness to distract from legitimate questions or concerns. For example, a narcissist might say "In any situation like that, I do what I should do. It should be obvious" when asked why they did something that wasn't constructive. 

Narcissists may also use other manipulative techniques, including: 

  • Gaslighting: Narcissists may use gaslighting tactics to make a partner question their reality. 

  • Blaming: Narcissists may blame others for things that aren't their fault. 

  • Twisting the truth: Narcissists may twist the truth or deny facts. 

  • Empty promises: Narcissists may use empty promises and flattery as positive reinforcement. 

  • Criticism: Narcissists may use criticism as negative reinforcement. 

If you're dealing with someone who has narcissistic tendencies, you can try these tips: Set clear boundaries and communicate them consistently, Avoid emotional engagement and try to remain calm, Keep interactions focused on facts, Manage your expectations, and Limit your exposure to the person.

Exploitation and Entitlement in Narcissism

Flying Monkeys (trying to claim ownership over someone's perception via a third party = Control issues & Personality Disorder.

Malignant means ‘will to go where balanced humans won’t with a bias’, always document everything and call the authorities who at the right time, will interview/track every active negative action, direct or indirect form of abuse. The problem is what is classed as an idiot (not my label), they never learn; those who do, go on to living more positive lives with accountability, guilt and shame knocking if matters step outside a parameter of consideration. Those who think, “What you on about?” or “It’s different when I do it.” It a biological age deception or genetics sprouting nonsense for the sake of something not attractive on the internal… usually the past is still very present without processing and education. Once adults realise they are not dealing with other adults but twisted somethings, missing something, it seems like a waste of energy to offer any goodness or connection with the risk of being drained.

Speaking of education, the gift that keeps on giving, the ‘big picture’ suggests going forward, wiping your shoes, climbing another mountain away from the toxic smell of flying monkeys, the coward’s journey into control. Professionally speaking, life has means paths, watch out for the banana skin with wool on it.

Psychology Today - 10 Classic Propaganda Tactics Often Used by Narcissists

True or False: Triangulation, using others = Major reflags for abuse, deception, manipulation, fraud, control issues = Personality disorder that never processes the self, accountability or anything good in a good way without a bias. They hate boundaries, taking it personally in a delusional way, as per-usual, feedback is seen as something completely different, further abuse to break the truth or fact that haunts them… let them expose themselves through others, then shut it down.

13 highly effective strategies for getting court-ready

In Family Court, they push this further.  Their anxiety around the divorce/separation results in them:

  • Making repeated attacks against you – verbally, financially, legally

  • Launching attacks on your intelligence, sanity and safety

  • Becoming pre-occupied with analysing your character traits and finding fault

  • Recruiting others to attack you (smear campaign and flying monkeys aka negative advocates)

  • Seeking other professionals to blame you

  • Seeking validation for their own behaviour (by blaming you for it)

  • Seeing court as an accessible source of power and control

Develop assertive communication techniques

  1. Document everything

  2. Think objectively not subjectively

  3. Choose your battles

  4. Be aware of your own triggers

  5. Own your mistakes

  6. Focus on exposing the patterns not the specifics

  7. Respond quickly to false statement and extreme actions

  8. Manage your own emotions

  9. Don’t absorb and mirror your exes emotions * (unless to expose hidden behaviour that must stop)

  10. Develop patience and coping strategies

  11. Use clear instructions

  12. Get expert support from a qualified therapist

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Triangulation: Definition, Examples, & How to Respond

PsychCentral - Triangulation: The Narcissists Best Play

Documenting what one person assumes is acceptable when clearly it isn’t… means you already know the ‘person is detached from what is right and wrong’. Who wants to use others? Someone who wants to cover something up or have more than others, ignore rules and core values… more of the same playing out in their mind as the controller or the victim… that why they keep going after being told to stop. They cannot make a healthy connection in their effected feedback loop.

No one directly or, must importantly in this case, via a third party, can try to cover up the abuse with abuse, fraud, or manipulation through others and expect it to appear as normal… if they do, it is another red flag to expose sooner rather than later. Adults are meant to be direct in their lives and other people’s lives; triangulation and the use of others is a sign of greed and low prosocial thinking… me, me, me, no matter what. Protect yourself and protect your children from those who abuse boundaries, they think differently. Fact, delusion or fiction? If they can’t feel it, they cannot see it; they cannot see it in the mirror, either.

Repetition helps a balanced person learn a new skill, many skills, prosocial skills (emotional intelligence), and goals achieved with authenticity. Hearing the same old nonsense… they assume it is the world first not them, targeting to push others down to feel better, unstable emotionally but try to make others look like the bad guy, use others in any shape of form. A person has yet to realise, they are trying to waste other people’s lives are they are doing on their own, nothing to be proud of… and they know it… so they may try to choke the truth from being something everyone else sees. In case the fact is not understood… everything was figured out well before the abuser took their first step into their own exposure trap…. history proves they were not the first to be caught by the same pawns to abuse, are the same pawns to use against them.

Who would have thought a person who hides from others is, in fact is hiding from themselves first, they must lie to themselves before the lie to others… It must be exhausting… a facade to prop up an ego. That why the try and exhaust others in a trauma bond of justification. Time to live without flying monkeys who know no different than what a disorder told them to do… that is why an undiagnosed disorder can be so dangerous… it harms more than one involved in more ways than one… but only seen when triggered or when fear of exposure is on the horizon.

NCBI - Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalising and externalising psychopathology

PsyPost - People with dark personalities often end up with partners who share their traits

GEE - 9 signs a man or woman is highly respected by everyone in his life, according to psychology

6) He/She stands up for what’s right

Taking a stand for what’s right, even when it’s not popular or easy, is a trait of a highly respected man or woman. It’s about having the courage and conviction to uphold your principles, even in the face of adversity.

Let me paint a picture for you. Imagine a man or woman who sees someone being treated unfairly. Instead of turning a blind eye or walking away, he or she chooses to intervene. He or she stands up for the person, not because he or she has to, but because it’s the right thing to do.

This man or woman may not always be popular. He or she may face backlash or criticism for his or her actions. But he or she does it anyway because he or she believes in justice and fairness.

People respect this man or woman because his or her actions come from the heart. He or she is not just following rules or societal norms. He or she is guided by a strong moral compass, and that’s a truly admirable quality.


The biggest ratio of an audience of presentation, charmed enablers, and flying monkeys ever recorded that ‘had’ to change their mind, but not everyone...

One fact that proves a highly deceptive person likes using other people in numerous ways - A tv presenter convinces the nation (not everyone) they are safe with children, even gives them medals, and tells them all kinds of stories. Charm. Have other people defused any surfacing ‘rumours’. At the same time is singular in their view of others when they are not present. Even writes a book that a review claims, ‘Where is the depth, there is no one in this book, who is the real…’ By using others and anything that fixes the facade, even blaming their victims, the nation takes their time to realise that human perception can be mentioned if a truth bias is present meaning face value is all that is needed. Over 450-600 victims tried to come forward at the right time, but the nation could only see what they were led to believe.

The ratio of believers of the lie compared to the victims made it harder to see that so many people were blind to abuse and the compensating behaviours that try to cover it up. Millions of flying monkeys refused to see that a ‘sir’ could do no wrong if they did one, two, or maybe three good deeds in the eyes of others. When you give out medals to children on the weekend, drive around places with people who can’t stand up for themselves and abuse them when no one is looking. The trick all along was to have those people in a position to have access to abuse. Detachment, when tested, offers so many strange sentences and distractions. The most dangerous types are high functioning… they get to use others for longer. The sad part is some still cannot believe all the evidence, documentaries and victims coming forward that a person without a balanced life and balanced view of others would do such a thing… there is always one… then you find out there is always a ring of others with similar actions and similar views, just in different amounts. Plus, another, not known as Jimmy, is a knockout presenter, a day with that person his clocks and charm… the false self-construct creates something for public consumption.

“The vast majority of the ….. public did not know that ….. was a "predatory, serial sex offender" but equally, people did know; people who were in positions of power who could have protected more victims from a sexual predator. People who chose to keep silent at the time and people who didn't think it was really a problem.”

If one person can live with themselves and live a double life, one for the public, another for behind closed doors… use others in so many ways… now it is time for everyone to be fully educated on questionable compensating behaviour. And to consider…. do turn a blind eye, do not copy, put a head in the oven because asked, speak and think with face value assumptions that the only view needed of everyone is me, me, me.

Guardian - The evil of Jimmy Savile was not his alone

CT - Jimmy Savile was not the only one

HP - Jimmy Savile Did Not 'Groom the Nation'

Mail - 'Little slaves', sordid boasts and the dark truth about my 'friend' Jimmy Savile, by the biographer who tried to unmask him

Guardian - Jimmy Savile by the man who knew him best

CH - A terrible human weakness lies at the heart of the Jimmy Savile case

TFF - Paedophile DJ Jimmy Savile – What I ‘knew’ but never reported years ago

FW - I feared no-one would believe me

Due to the respect and courtesy values towards the victims linked to the tragic situation, I won’t provide photographic evidence that I spent a full day with the mentioned abuser. The images where used in a publication and book to help expose to highly deceptive person. Knowing that day, the odd few minutes making a cup of tea (after not being offered anything all day) that involved both of us in silence detaching twelve long life milk cartons with sharp tools to cut through many wraps of cello tape… the private lift only for his flat only, the stories of fantasy to distract, charm, attention, speaking in a way that gives of a grandiose sense under the skin, the presentation of a mask that can fool many. It can fool those who also wear a mask, as they cannot see others any better than they see themselves. The key element is to study compensating behaviour… we all know the usual stuff… it is time to know the difference when speaking to an adult and a pretend adult and how they were made. This is to make sure risks are not put on others with simple words or distractions. It only allows the damaged feedback loop to assume and fantasise for longer about how the use objects/people and harm those who are yet to find out the spectrum of behaviours outside their own values… When something is too much, when something is too little, when someone is using others to distract, think twice.

What was interesting in this case, it took people like the author to persist because others did not see it. In a perfect world, they would have not got the job in the first place to be commissioned to charm children… Look at the contrast in behaviour, shocking. These days we hope there will be no repeat. In many cases, this kind of closed-off behind closed doors abuse in any form is not linked to a celebrity… but someone conditioned by their own development experiences and feedback loop, so they assume people are to be used in a manipulative way for stimulation. Does this stand out, for example: “I like it when they cry” when someone opens up in a deceptive exchange for money. Or “Where is the love for me” at someone else’s funeral. Or “It’s everyone else who makes me arrogant.” When people use children for entertainment, distraction, chip and poke, allow abuse, expect attention to the point of draining regardless of what the reality is, use them to empty bank accounts when they want something… Don’t be so shocked to find medals handed at a different time out to mask something very harmful…the opposite to coverup something. The most worrying signs is when matters only surface when no one is looking. What kind of mind avoids accountability at the expense of the victim or target? A blame shifter who cannot process guilt, shame and accountability, led by stimulation with a damaged feedback loop and ‘fit the narrative’ perception. The mind knows what it knows and assumes the rest. Trying to manipulate people to fit the narrative through charm and victimhood. Every abuser needs a reason to feel better about themselves instead of doing the work everyone else does. Study the abuse cycles, its in four chapters. Delusion leaves them last in the queue, right up to the last minute. Know the mind to know the actions.

One key element is some people may still be children in adults bodies… so learn how children behave and the biggest penny will drop… biological age is one thing, behavoier and percetion with certain types of processing is another.

Nicholeen Peck - Teaching Self Government

The dark side to why the element happens will confuse many… but not everyone. Its not magic or magical thinking… it can be biology or conditioning. Best to remove face value thinking when the magincal thinking isnt creating delusions.

Masterclass - 7 Types of Thinking: How to Find Your Thinking Type

New medical - Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism

Psychology Today - The Gullibility of the Narcissist: What You Need to Know