Dark Empath
Summary: Know the Dark Triad and Dark Tetrad, but with a bit of Cognat Empathy… they slip into grounds and triangulate to keep two groups on the back foot while they hide their highly deceptive tricks. They are not hiding in plain sight, but they are trying to… and will use anyone and anything, partners, children, other people’s children, ignore rules, regulations, scam and blame shift; nothing is off limits…They have the Dark Triad or Tetrad plus something, but that makes them darker, not lighter.
Have I met one? Yes. Have you? Yes. Should you know about their spectrum of behaviour and mind? YES. What happens when you call them out? Expose their agenda and second hidden narrative? They will fear exposure and protect the second hidden narrative by any means necessary, even before you expose them as people are objects with purpose, everyone. Look it in the eye, the stare, the blink that doesn’t happen, the limbic system pause (freeze), the misguided comment, it’s a little bit of empathy. Big on empathy? Dont be drained, thin about it, would you intentionally drain others?
Should I list the behaviour patterns and contradictions and point out when their own toxic compassion is pointed at themselves or when the professional victim is used? No. Do your research carefully, its important, watch videos twice if need be, read links twice, pin this down, sign it off. A deceptive faker is doing something they shouldn’t and masking it.
Dark personalities will drain and drain because the lack something.. note it. Look at people drained in relationships with the suspected dark empath. Do they have an equal part in love and creative thinking around the relationship? Is there is a hidden bias?
If someone has something we all share between us… the dark personality uses it for personal gain; it doesn’t make them a better person... it’s a tool… bound by a disorder, assumed to be better than others… but missing effective empathy… they use one kind of empathy incorrectly.
An empath can spot a dark empath, and if they don’t like it, which makes them twitchy, they go further to expose themselves. An educated empath will call them out and watch them run and hide behind others while breaking and destroying as they go because they need to… They are hiding behind a mask, so hiding behind others is an obvious trick. Any empath would protect, look twice, and watch the deception, feel the fake smile and note the hidden agenda. Abusers, they do something else… coverup. Cover up, cover up, cover up. A dark empath is still trying to do something, trying.
Needing control, spreading rumours, gossip, smears, and lowering others, they have two personalities: one for the public and another for behind closed doors… always trying to keep a drama around them. The mask they wear appears in the environment to hide and deflect. When you call them out, they do something and expose themselves by needing to hide regardless… they overplay their hand…, and the lack of effective empathy exposes them, and the bias surfaces.
Cognitive empathy is abused… because effective empathy is off-limits, and emotional empathy is locked away. Compassionate empathy… in another city. “Cognitive empathy is empathy light” Dr Ramani.
Pay attention to how situations are linked together, explained and appreciated or used… trick suggestion… felt. What they don’t feel… you know how it goes; they are watching and mirroring, not feeling. One song for every situation… they will put their foot in the mouth. You can use a mirror to expose them by removing the mirror they use and adding a reality mirror.
If they look for details and use them later… watch out; it's a way of deflecting and making them look good while they harm others… targets who don’t conform to their fixed narrative. Don’t date, marry or work with them; keep them out; it is deceptive and toxic.
YouTube: Better Life - 5 Signs of a Dark Empath (The Most Dangerous Personality Type)
BBC Science - How to spot ‘dark empaths’, the dangerous psychopaths and narcissists who feel empathy
Choosing Therapy - Dark Empath: Definition, Traits, & How to Deal With One
Forbes - Forbes - The Dark Empath: How To Detect, Deal With This Dangerous Personality
Psychology Today - 4 Dangerous Qualities of "Dark Empaths"
Opera - Do You Have a "Dark Empath" in Your Life? How to Spot This Dangerous Personality
Forbes - The Dark Empath: The Hidden Danger Behind Emotional Intelligence