The Mental and Physical Effects of Trauma
Summary: This is part one. As you can see, the research is overwhelming, people need to be careful of toxic situations.
Look at this page if you are being Triangulated by a highly deceptive emotional abuser who has an end goal to cover up abuse by any means necessary with a certain level of control and detachment. They do not want the public image to be attached to in any way. There are a number of reasons why the hide and still manipulate.
(Side note: Before we look into the core subject. If someone is creating trauma in your life, ongoing, look at other essays about Empathy Deficit in others related to Domestic Abuse and how your empathy and tolerance can be used for someone else’s biased purpose. Maybe it is time to step back. Look at References 2.)
"The human mind, brain and body are an incredible creation."
"Trauma affects the mind, brain, and body, which means it can affect every part of you."
Sophisticated, self-sufficient to a point, protective when healthy, trusting or untrusting, innocent and vulnerable with the right people, capable beyond imagination, smart or hurtful, confused or purposeful, educated or inconsiderate, kind or harming, with or without disorder, emotionally connected or charming, short-lived or with longevity.
The complex side of life has a few simple elements that everyone across the spectrum can understand. Trauma is real. Trauma can be felt in those, others and the self who feel it—and hidden in those who choose not to see it.
The subject of trauma has grown over the years, knowing its first position in the mind, later, the brain and then seen all over the body.
Being human, authentic, genuine, connected and purposeful means trauma can be a risk from living life. Being the opposite can mean trauma can be a risk from the chosen life.
Knowing what is happening or happened to you, post-experience suppressed effects. It is the first step. Look at what humans feel as the mind, brain and body reflects.
School doesn't teach life lessons or psychology on human behaviour in the way it could; life does that instead. Sometimes it can be too late.
Use the links to find out that what you feel is what humans feel when ‘humans need’ to recover, understand, re-educate, repair and know they can sometimes bruise easily.
Humans learn, grow, develop, and see something for what it is. Usually, with a bit of help first. Knowing they are not the only ones who feel after something has happened is the open door away from a consuming culture of not seeing, not feeling, not caring or not knowing.
As Bessel van der Kolk states... The body keeps the score.
What you see here is evidence that human beings can be bulletproof, but they can also bruise or bruise easily. For Harvard referencing, three points of reference and research can start a conversation or lead to an essay. Trauma in the mind, brain, and body has an overwhelming number of references… infinite. Why is that?
Find your answers by finding out what you don't know about trauma. It is not uncommon to hear that humans never think they can feel the effect of a situation with an offset delay. Brush off the dust, and get back up. That is step one. Getting back up can be the biggest step for a person experiencing trauma. The not knowing may create a second fall.
Physical experiences can leave a residue just as emotional experiences can. Both will also do what can be researched below.
For a human to be truly self-sufficient, it is to put a hand up and ask for something they never thought they needed.
"Trauma affects the mind, brain, and body, which means it can affect every part of you. The human being living, learning and growing can also feel hurt and bruise."
References 1:
LanierLawFirm - How Trauma Affects the Brain
Psychology Today - How Trauma Affects the Body
RU - How Childhood Trauma May Impact Adults
OASH - Abuse, trauma, and mental health
NHS - Symptoms - Post-traumatic stress disorder
Mayo Clinic - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Altius - How Physical Injury Affects Mental Health
WebMD - Emotional Trauma and the Mind-Body Connection
CTSFH - How Trauma Affects Our Health
TheKingsFund - Bringing together physical and mental health
RW- The Physical and Emotional Effects of Trauma: What You Need to Know
CTMUHB - Introduction: How does trauma affect the mind and body?
Psychiatry FW - 5 Long-Term Effects of Emotional Trauma
WebMD - When You’re Emotionally Affected by Trauma
PTSD - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
APA - Expert Q&A: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
APA - What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Better Health - Trauma - Reaction and Recovery
Help - Emotional and Psychological Trauma
Headspace - The impact of trauma on mental health
Mental Health - The impact of traumatic events on mental health
Damore MH - How Trauma is Stored in the Body
NLM - Chapter 3 Understanding the Impact of Trauma
PTSD: National Center for PTSD
CPH Chapter 3: Understanding trauma and adversity’s impact on mental health
APN - How Trauma Is Stored in the Body
NIH - The long-term costs of traumatic stress: intertwined physical and psychological consequences
Mental Health Uk - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Iriss - Trauma Sensitive practice with children in care
NCTSN - Effect - What is Child Trauma
RCPSYCH - Coping after a traumatic event
Lake - Recognising the Signs and Symptoms of Emotional & Psychological Trauma
DaneCounty - The Link Between Physical Trauma and Mental Health
Better Health - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
MentalHealth - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Trauma from Psychological Manipulative Blame-Shifting Triangulating Coercive Control Abuse (not gender specific)
If brain fog is present, it was designed to be present for a reason: control without growth. A mind prison is inserted to have a trauma bond put into others in close quarters. Containment in a facade, conditional biased bubble reality. You will be feeling the effects of tolerance. What is unhealthy for one will be harmful for two. One will feel the impact more than the other, as the abuser projects what they create onto others, applying the heavy lifting onto targets, roles played and victims for supply. Study the types of bullies, all cowards, all linked to hidden deep insecurity, a lack of processing and protection.
Can your empathy heal yourself and others? Yes.
With education, insight, observation and distance from traumatic experiences, balanced, educated people move forward differently with time.
Your empathy must not be abused; choose to protect it, or the drain will become part of the abuse cycle, as empathy is not fully understood with consideration by detached empathy-deficit abusers. (Including dark empaths, a term used for Dark Triad/Tetrad personalities with a bit of cognitive empathy only).
Why do emotional abusers require supply, conformity and feed? Their needs before everyone else at any detached expense, the undeveloped mind never found growth. It’s a totally different mindset with a toxic bias, not what should be happening, so step back. Those who can re-educate will, and those who can’t stay in their own internal abuse cycle (abuse is not seen 100% of the time) created via an internal feedback loop that refuses self-awareness.
Do not tolerate any kind of abuse so your mental and physical health does not deteriorate beyond a point. Psychological and emotional abuse is done covertly under the radar for a number of reasons. An abuser needs to continue stimulation, projection, targeting, re-positioning, and lowering others to raise themselves with comparison and supply. Their undiagnosed personality disorder should become yours as well. They will tell on themselves, slip up, try to mask, but eventually expose themselves. Before that point, consider your mental and physical health and the drain it puts on you to exist near something toxic, detached, harassing, deceptive, charming in public, the opposite elsewhere, stalking, predatory or controlling.
Coverup Tactics, which is also abuse - If you feel the effects of D.A.R.V.O. blame shift, chipping and poking or more, or third-party abuse to cover up abuse, call 999 or 911. There is a difference between trauma and a trauma bond inside a facade requiring containment to suit the needs of one or a group.
References 2:
PsychCentral - What Are the Effects of Emotional Abuse?
VeryWellMind - Understanding Trauma Bonding
HealthLine - What Are the Short- and Long-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse?
Counselling Directory - Recognising C-PTSD after an abusive relationship
Medical News Today - Can emotional abuse cause PTSD?
Medical News Today - Trauma bonding explained
“Trauma bonding occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. Stockholm syndrome is one type of trauma bonding.”
“According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, trauma bonds are the result of an unhealthy attachment.”
VeryWellMind - 4 Early Signs of Coercive Control
Family Matters - The Impact of Coercive Control on Victims and Children
NCFV - Domestic Abuse & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
KCP - Understanding the Root Causes of PTSD from Domestic Abuse
"Emotional Trauma: Domestic Abuse can also manifest in emotional and psychological ways, such as verbal Abuse, gaslighting, and manipulation. These forms of Abuse can lead to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and shame, which can exacerbate symptoms of PTSD. Emotional trauma can be as damaging as physical trauma and may even be more challenging to heal."
"Intergenerational Trauma: Domestic abuse can also have intergenerational effects, meaning that trauma can be passed down from one generation to another."
VeryWellMind - Can You Get PTSD From Emotional Abuse?
TMP - Understanding Reactive Abuse: What You Need to Know
TalkSpace - Relationship PTSD: Signs, Causes, & How to Cope
MH - Understanding Child Abuse and Its Effects on Mental Health
Charlie Health - This Is What PTSD From Childhood Abuse in Adults Looks Like
RCPSYCH - Trauma Informed Response to Coercive Control
PTSDUK- Causes of PTSD: Domestic Abuse
ECC- The Strategies & Tactics of Coercive Control