Exposing The Double Narrative
Summary: Watch the videos first. Consider researching all information offered from the research resources. Brain fog links are at the bottom of the page, along with stalker links if needed. If you have a direct or third-party stalker, call the authorities; as well as if you are having memory problems from various forms of control issues or abuse, all insight is clearly referenced to find closure.
Richard Grannon - The shell around the child
‘They overplay their hand’ is a simple insight, maybe try that read first if you are not ready to understand how staying to long was so harmful your mental health.
Quote Chase Hughs: “The death of empathy” Chase Hughs. Learn what empathy doesn’t look like and how it makes biased choices with a questionable agenda, hidden at first, only. F.O.G Fear, obligation and guilt. It is a tool based on the professional victim card. Buy Chase’s Six Minute X-Ray book.
PBD Podcast: “Experiences pull the trigger”, only a quarter of the state. Do your research found in the video look below.
“An adverse reaction to the truth, a smear campaign, is the confession, a re-position of guilt and abuse.”
The insight is to help the victim of the conditional controlling deceptive actions from a person who sees no boundaries, only opportunities to do things that should never happen with a flawed narrative and agenda. Their internal issues can be seen in the emotionally draining tactics they chose to use, while deciding to avoid accountability. They choose to abuse and suppress instead due for the need to feel in control. They cannot understand what genuine human connection actually is. So… help those who get isolated in their trauma bonds and blameshifts and are surrounded by blameshifting the actions the abuser is actually doing… the mind game of re-posting guilt, shame and accountability while seeking stimulation and release. Why do they do it? Simple.
Simple Closure with a warning: The reason why a person high in narcissistic traits with a certain development stage seeks stimulation without empathy is due to following examples, done in a detached way (try to imagine).
Creating an emotional reaction from others is a projection and role reversible from seeing their narcissistic parent projected onto them when in childhood (bad role modelling is learned). The conditioning of their mind then appears in adulthood. But this time, they want the position of control and chip away at others, assuming they are looking down over their narcissistic parent when feeling triggered in their facade or their false self receives feedback… thinking it is more.
The grandiose assumption (coverts hide) comes from trying to parent above others, anyone, but subconsciously, it’s the childhood reversal role coming back, needing a release, not fixing it. Instead, they project it… it comes from somewhere… but rather than fix they do something else. Made by experience but only 46% recover and grow and can gain a huge insight, 54% may turn to be abusive in some way. You may even hear, “I’m joking” It's not; that is a mask; that is a vehicle and a giveaway like everything else they experienced and won't fix.
The problem is abusive people gain control issues due to a dark, hidden, fragile sense of self hidden behind something… you are not dealing with a mature, balanced adult in the adult world. They want to own other people’s perceptions to go along with something. The child's mind is still present.
Warning: The professional victim card is one of the lowest forms of emotional abuse; it is pretty dark when you think about it, so how is someone capable of achieving that role? Let’s break it down. They are abusive; they need to re-position the shame of their actions; they decide next to be the victim to hide themselves. Swapping roles, they play out what they are doing using their own thoughts for reference, knowing it all too well. Presented in a certain way, pay attention; this is key to knowing the difference between a real victim and an unethical actor using their past experiences re-positioned as a cover.
How are they good at it? Simple, they know the victim position already; they have been a victim in childhood, but matters went the wrong way, and the cycle of abuse has continued, using what they know all too well on others as an emotional mind game tool. Unfortunately, high-risk experiences create high-risk bad role modelling… plus genetics. See the pod video for the full references on the whole process in one sentence.
Presenting a new coverup lie, which is only their own actions shifted with a narrow imagination… document it all to spot the mirrored timeline hidden in the smear, only using their detached imagination.
Closure Snippet: It's higher than average levels of psychopathy seeking validation and stimulation at the expense of someone else with detachment, factor one psychopathy with a strategy and life experience or a certain type. The generational abuse cycle is very real, so the is abuse cycle and why it is in four parts and not seen all the time.
When they were abused or influenced by their parent who is projecting onto them, the image is noted in the narcissistic mind differently. When they are an adult age but not emotionally an adult, they are covertly projecting the same experiences onto others, getting stimulated by the false sentence of control. They are now the bad role model… a carbon copy. ***
Primary evidence: Chipping and poking (continued emotional abuse, comparsion issues), joking, passive aggression, rage and deflection, unable to be accountable. Fraud, deception, blame shift, and seeking validation in various ways.
Fear of exposure: Smear tactics in the relationship about other people, but it never adds up. Done in a certain way to hide what they are doing. Part two follow when leaving the façade.
Secondary Evidence: Gossip turns to external smear to break truth and fact about what they are doing in their second hidden narrative. Chipping and poking turns to third-party abuse to cover up abuse, use others a second time, passive-aggressive turns to attach the victim a second time by making sure the false self-construct is kept hidden, just like it has always been hidden, but this time it exposes its self via the detachment and zero empathy by creating irreversible damage… the smear is the confession, the personality disorder exposes it’s self by trying to hide itself. Why? It couldn’t contain itself in the relationship; it certainly won’t be able to do it in the same campaign either. Unless low education or low emotional intelligence adds to the influence, taking matters at face value. Which deceptive actors have been using for years? Already without many not seeing it,.
Chipping and poking turns to baiting, gaslighting turns into smear. You are dealing with an emotionally unstable, undiagnosed person who is internally hurt, but rather than fix, they want to own other people’s perception to go along with the trauma bond or deceptive nature. They can't feel what is not activated; they cannot process what is not felt, hence they blame the victim and try to confirm a victim; they only want control over their issues and reality with bias… everything else like empathy is off limits, no deep connection, something else, drama.
Sign off One: Abuse is learned, deception is learned, and survival tools are created. Be educated on whether it is a born disorder or a disorder developed from the environment. The environment will sign off on the adult behaviour… as tough as this is, some grow beyond, and some do exactly what they know as it is only what they know, cypher that when you assume change is on the cards when you can do it and wonder why some can’t. Nothing wrong, so no change; it’s a system lack coping mechisms built around damaged defence mechisms hiding something with charm and deflection, as that was learned. You can’t help everyone, get closure, remove the brain fog.
A deceptive person will always overplay their hand and continue to use others via a third party to cover up abuse with further abuse. The control issues can’t be contained to hide the truth. The smear is the confession; pay attention and find out why after you remove the brain fog.
“Create drama, chaos, and sit back and watch others create a deceptive manipulative conflict to hide their actions. The coverup.”
What to look out for: Disinformation and hidden jealousy are the ingredients for constant unhealthy, toxic comparisons for others and smears to cover what they never process with accountability.
Deceptive, biased, gatekeeping, abusive choices... add a truth mirror and detach from the chaos and drama they want and need... In other words, live without the narcissistic needs put before everyone they can manipulate until they are also educated on deceptive mind games and tricks.
The narcissistic actions only show the disorder is running wild without empathy and consideration for human life. Genuine, authentic people do something else every time…. Find the right people…. every time. Emotional abuse is a sign of something never to cover up, accept, or ignore; their internal processing has something they chose to ignore… the mess inside they chose to hide. They always leave a trail to follow, more on that later; the control over the mess rather than address is because the self is not understood any more than a child can before growth.
Shorts: (15-second snippets)
You don’t owe a narcissist the truth that they will abuse.
Healthy until triggered: (the mask)
How will the Narcsissit end up? (people catch up)
They do not want you on your feet (fear of change in others to show the narc tricks)
They Rush Relationships make you chase them at the same time, an emotional trap, a hidden system.
You Will Become Split, have Cognitive Dissonance and post-traumatic stress, and learn to forget.
Faine Confidence - Psychopathy
Psychopaths take advantage of other people, the chickens come home to roost*
The Destructive Interject can’t lose, won’t lose, irreversible damage to hide the abuse.
Marriage - 21 Key Secrets To a Successful Marriage
Why would someone live with two narratives? How does that even become part of someone's nature? What was their childhood education and experiences that created a split in the unspoken foundation and agreement to be authentic? To ignore the need to understand and create genuine unbiased relationships without the need to ‘control the narrative’… the first narrative, the one for everyone else. The second is what?
PsychCentral - Long-Term Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause Brain Damage
VeryWellMind - Effects of Narcissistic Abuse
PsychCentral - BPD vs. NPD: Signs of an Abusive Partner
PsychCentral - How Narcissists Blame and Accuse Others for Their Own Shortcomings *
If you need to go No Contact, learn to do it correctly and speak to a professional or the authors so you are not baited to keep the abuser from using D.A.R.V.O. Exposing a covert or overt (more obvious) deceptive emotional abuser. can be done two ways; either way, they always expose themselves… and overplay their hand to hide something very dear to them which has value over any other human being… so remove the brain fog carefully, re-educate and take note.
By the end of the essay, you will see all the dots joined together that were created by a highly deceptive person you have trusted emotionally, who you will, at a later date, see clearly. Start asking questions, update your education to gain a new perception and protect your empathy and considerations.
DM - How to Handle the DARVO Method (The legend of D.A.R.V.O. study his work)
Very WellMind - How Narcissists Use DARVO to Avoid Accountability
Medical News Today - What to know about DARVO
Psychology Today - The Risk Factors for Continuing the Cycle of Abuse
“They/Those/He/she (updated) who doesn’t understand history is doomed to repeat it.” Pittacus Lore.
PsychCentral - The 4 Stages of the Cycle of Abuse: From Tension to Calm and Back
Evidence-Based Assessment, spot to two narratives. Why does this happen? Look to childhood development going one way instead of the other; someone develops, and something doesn’t. Positive continued education, accountability and connection are key to an adult-balanced thinking pattern. If genetics are involved in the behavioural patterns as well. Everyone else must be educated beyond the first assumption.
VeryWellMind – What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy
Very Well Mind – How to Identify a Malignant Narcissist
An empath cannot help everyone; if nothing is wrong, then there is nothing to speak about, and there is no self-awareness with guilt, shame, and accountability linked to what should not happen. The smear campaign has always started inside the relationship; you are playing catch up to toxic, unhealthy compassion, stalking the abuser daily; they will turn to be a stalker later directly by surprise or by a third party; control keeps the issue hidden.
Help people spot narcissistic abuse hiding in plain sight by observing the primary evidence, which makes the victim leave the trauma bond and deceptive narrative inside the facade. Secondary evidence is the external smear campaign to use others. The narcissistic person is living with two narratives, so they do not want the second narrative exposed.
Never take anything at face value when it comes to malignant Cluster B. Narcissistic behaviour to blame-shift big or small, or full-blown detached NPD that has turned malignant. Undisngosed personality disorders that refuse to admit they exist will create coercive control issues and project onto others from a deep core damaged insecurity issue. When fear of exposure happens, the hidden second narrative will be protected at any cost.
PsychCentral - Emotional Abuse and Your Partner With BPD
Look for withholding, gatekeeping, and pressure not to gain an education; the enmeshment system wants a narrative to suit the needs of one and their emotional capacity and bias. Chipping and poking, unhealthy comparison, smear inside the facade appearing to be gossip with a highly deceptive agenda.
The Third Clue? Commissioned Third-party abuse to cover up abuse (the child’s mind still present), done with a strategy for what reason? Re-positioning shame on to the victim as they have always done, they need a target to re-position what they cannot process, which is what? Accountablity and?
Fear of exposure is a reaction to something, not a reaction to nothing. What are they hiding that they do not want others to know about? The second hidden narrative… Who gets used to blame-shifting onto or redirecting shame will depend on the undiagnosed disorder.
Re-positing hidden damage and destructive side effects of bad choices that affect others is not only toxic and chargeable; human rights violations go beyond a simple smear to contain the narcissistic person's escape root out of accountability.
All actions will create a paper trail back to the deceptive person, even if they try to make others the bad guys (baiting, learnt). All abuse and compensation behaviour has a pattern born from a disorder yet to be fixed or exposed completely. Unstable under the surface/maks but not the same as those they try to disable, that action is so they have some form of control… coercive control.
The third assessment option gives away the hidden issues. It is not what someone says and does at a certain time or what they don’t say and do at a certain time…it is what should be happening that gives it all away. The emotionally deceptive gaslighting abuser is bound by their own control issues, they expose themselves every time… they know what they know and that is it, hence why the fear others finding growth and insight, fear of exposure is hiding a second narrative with a bias that is flawed in an adult world.
Choosing Therapy - What Is a Narcissistic Family Structure? 10 Signs & How to Deal
PsychCentral - When Narcissistic Parents have Enmeshed Boundaries with Their Children
BBT - The Ultimate Guide to Going No-Contact
“Don’t go to places where you’d have an “accidental” encounter with them.” (If they blindside by surprise, call 999 or 911)
LL - Gaslighting: Examining the Warning Signs
Mental Health - Narcissistic collapse
Mental Health - Narcissistic Personality Disorder
PsychCentral - The 4 Stages of the Cycle of Abuse: From Tension to Calm and Back
Healthline - Understanding the Cycle of Abuse
Choosing Therapy - DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender (Trying to offload shame and more)
MHCA - Emotionally Abusive Borderline Relationships
Full Essay: Exposing the double narrative, drawing out the hidden, abusive, highly deceptive second narrative others don't see at first.
Evidence-Based Assessment, spot to two narratives. Two ways to get it out in the open. Third-party abuse to cover up abuse is the first red flag, cutting the feet of truth and the victim's voice. One mind game used in the relationship that goes public is using lower-than-average emotionally intelligent people to be influenced at face value. Those who struggle with education and the human behaviour of others... further use of people in a deceptive way. Always trying to gaslight to fit the narrative, create conformity so people see just one narrative, not the second that they will defend at any cost, always have, always will, it's the false self-construct assume a grandiose view over others.
The false self construct, facade, mask. either they fear exposure, or you can trigger so the fear of exposure and watch the damage go external that they are doing behind closed doors due to coercive control, gaslighting and smear, what it go external.
The smear is the confession of their shame being repositioned on the victim (yet again, needing targets to blameshift) who is not accepting the trauma bond they want with others to accept at any expense. If others accept their lies, they don't feel triggered. They need people to not see them. Hide in plain sight with two narratives.
This will include emotional abuse, deceptive fraud tactics, chipping and poking, projection on toe others from a damaged feedback loop, and creating a facade with made-up rules to live in with cognitive biases to keep attention on them at any cost.
A history of ACEs, bad role modelling, no empathy for others, carefully hidden for public consumption, but not for long, the mask slips. Get it to slip to prove there is a mask, deny abuse and deception, and remove the feed that drains others…
Where is the rest of the essay? You know it already, write it down, join the dots, think beyond truth bias, empathy and consideration, look at the list of actions and statements designed with a bias… what sort of survival tools are they, what is missing? You can read on, but give it 24hrs, let your education mature slowly.
Never compare in a healthy way to someone who is unhealthy comparing to others (gossip, smear, lowering others so they don’t need to reflect etc). They are operating with a different set of rules and tools and with two narratives… when you spot the second… watch what happens… it must be exhausting to live like that… that why they need others not to see it and take the weight or deception… so step back and watch the spiral down they might be doing to you… so they don’t have to. Get rid of the brain fog before it causes permanent damage, as tolerating something humans shouldn't be tolerant of is toxic and bad for your mental health and physical health.
Advanced: If needed, you must (they always do) take action to protect your boundaries before they cause any further damage under the radar in a toxic gaslighting approach to hide a second narrative. Pull out the deceptive emotional abuse from someone’s facade, hiding an undiagnosed disorder and coverup, document and get it out in the open with the truth.
Do not tolerate emotional abuse such as silent treatment, gaslighting, deceptive tricks to gain finances to suit one person's wants and needs, emotional abuse cycle of confusion, and blameshifting so they don’t deal with the shame, which only enables and gives them a grandiose stimulation so they have control in the facade.
Do not allow your empathy and mind to be influenced by fear of exposure defence mechisms to avoid responsibility and choices that help you. Chips and pokes for their damaged detached ego stimulation and faux apologies with no change. Or a professional victim card to cover up something dark, them, their choices and their past. The professional victim card is one of the lowest forms of emotional abuse, who would do that? Someone who has something to hide.
Destabilise the person who tries to ‘own everyone’s perception’ via gossip, smear and blameshifting their targets and victims due to a toxic complex, deeply insecure (masking) internal mess of choices that avoids any kind of connection to their behaviour at any expense. Their disorder and shocking covered-up choices are not your responsibility the way you think it is… they just want you to believe it is so they don’t have to deal with shame and fixing to fix anything they cannot feel correctly.
In the second narrative, their memories of deceptive choices and actions are all visible; nothing is hiding in plain sight, just camouflaged for now, and the camouflage was put there for a reason. Peel back the coverup and see what happens. It’s like a child trying to hide something they shouldn't do. Do it carefully, as they always expose themselves… re-positioning shame away from the abuser was what they watch happen through bad role modelling; it is all they know and all they can do while others move on and grow… education on malignant types is key. Narcissistic people hate the truth; the fantasy issues mess with reality and narrow, biased perception. Ageing narcissistic spiral down was the truth levitates. It is not a good life for the narcissistic person who lives in a dysfunctional system… a toxic system; step back. If scapegoating happens, you have liars who fear the truth as dangerous. Which means lairs are hazardous to themselves and others. Truthtellers see right into the core of the lie and the liar, which brings fear to the narcissistic person.
Life is too short to be drained and being drained can shorten your life.
PsychCentral - Long-Term Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause Brain Damage
VeryWellMind - Effects of Narcissistic Abuse
Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: 15 Ways to Cope
To know if a pathological liar knows what they are doing and chooses deceptive abuse, there is a certain reaction, a certain kind of blame shift once you step away from the trauma bond. If you refuse to allow the lie to be confirmed or you choose not to go along with pretending… while knowing the truth… the pathological liar will have to live with the lie and the shame on their own as they cannot project or validate it internally.
Their lie or lies are not acceptable and accepted by someone else. They have to live with the lie on their own, so the darker side of what they have done creeps up to remind them; further targeting appears, and the targeting needs to be put on someone as a lie is too big for just one lair. Look at how a person tries to justify with detachment.
Empathy will always do something else; it won't get a person into a position where they need to cover up, either. Toxic is subtle, uneducated, biased, unaccountable, unable to process, detached, will throw under the bus when fearing exposure, will use anyone and anything to raim looks like others with drama, unable to process that a liar does, in fact, harm. But ruins their own peace and connections with others… over time no matter how much charm the hand will overplay. No matter the blame shift, there is no growth while others grow; they give themselves away every time.
True or False: 90% of emotional abuse is hidden on purpose, with an assumption it should be normalised and not processed with accountability as a blameshift is easy… everything learnt, knowing no different.
It is a crime to abuse in various forms; don’t tolerate it and don’t cover up for any reason; disorders try hard not to see the truth; try to own other people’s perceptions to go along with what the abuser assumes, trying to normalise damaged assumption, the disorder is in a feedback loop of knowing what it knows only, balanced people live for the truth. The coverup is your secondary evidence of what is going on inside the abuser's mind, trying to fit a narrative around them, different to the one on the inside who thinks a certain way about others they need to have attention or conformity from. Find a whistle-blower, truth-seeker, educated empath or the authorities to discuss the details.
Stalking and surprise visits: (see the video first for charges and fines for stalkers and their third-party abusers.) To touch on this important subject as it is, in fact, a serious matter, the authorities should be contacted straight away if someone appears at your work, school, or home by surprise with justified bias reasons, which will be more deceptive actions. If your boundaries are completely ignored, they will continue to be as they are not identified by a person with a disorder, and the D.A.R.V.O. trick will appear to prove boundaries are not seen and resected by abusers, so stalking through others, using others is the disorder sending a message in various ways in a controlling element, they can’t be forgotten or the face the shame of what they do and have done.
Disorders also stalk through others and direct, all masked as the disorder wants if that way to remain covert or controlling, not seeing the cause and effect only the bias needs to cover up what will ruin the facade, false self-construct or to hide a history without accountability. It is the same system that avoids fixing, not seeing anything wrong as controlling worked in the past… to a point. There is evidence everywhere that a disorder is controlling one, and it wants to control second or third and seeing damaged networks; it is the internal doing the same to facts on the external with detachment, assuming anything is acceptable, not seeing the self is the one harming rather than think deflecting is normal.
Using third-party abuse to cover up abuse only shows a person with a personality disorder is using people for personal gain rather than seeing they are causing harm to others with a covert, deceptive nature. The usually ends with a diagnosis of pathological lying, cluster b, and all the charges they try to cover up, along with charges to all third-party abusers sending messages or threats on behalf of the deceptive person. The actions will always go back to why a person has not gained insight from childhood experiences that affect their adult control issues.
Their issues don’t go away overnight, as stated in all of the research, the smear if the confession, they are trying to do something they should in a continuous major for their own wants and needs so they don’t look at their life, their actions, there bringing and where they need to have other go along with something, it will follow them around… if it is you, help and laws can give insight into what is classed as abuse, control, stalking direct or via third party and why abusers always want to coverup but can’t.
CPS GOV - Stalking or Harassment
M&B - Protect Yourself: Understanding Restraining Order Third-Party Contact
Examples of Third Party Contact
To paint a clearer picture of what third-party contact looks like, imagine the following scenarios:
Sending messages or making threats through a friend or coworker
Contacting someone indirectly through a third party
Using social media to indirectly reach out to the protected person
HT - What Sarcasm Means About Your Mental Health
BM - Passive-Aggressive vs Sarcasm: Which One is More Harmful
VeryWellMind - 20 Defense Mechanisms We Use to Protect Ourselves
Triangulation: How Narcissists Manipulate Through Playing People Against Each Other
Playing two groups off each other to hide hidden deceptive abuse: When two people or two groups are playing off each other, there is a 100% reason why, fear of exposure, the lies start to stack up. Someone is trying to re-direct shame and accountability while hiding and smearing. Sitting back, not wanting to be exposed, covertly using people’s empathy for surposing with professional victim card attempts. First impressions, first of everything, anything to influence under pressure, knowing their face will ruin the public image.
Healthline - Narcissistic Triangulation: What It Is and How to Respond
These are chargeable offences but not seen at first. The crimes that the deceptive person will be living within their memory will trigger in a way that creates detached irreversible damage on other people’s networks with the same detachment behind closed doors. They can be hiding their abuse or someone linked to them, which will reflect on them. Dark Personalities always need to shift blame and accountability while assuming abuse is acceptable. Look for the conflicting lovebomb appearing while abuse used to cover up abuse is happening from other angles…the coercive control exposes itself, overplaying its hand, showing zero empathy for others while favouring the hidden second narrative, documents everything, the authorities can track any kind of baiting to make other look bad while the harm as hurt people hurt others when exposed.
Psychology Today - Have You Been the Victim of Narcissistic Triangulation?
PsychCentral - Triangulation: The Narcissists Best Play
PsychCentral - Dangerous Dark Traits Among Narcissists, Abusers, and Toxic People
Happier Human - Narcissistic Triangulation: Examples & How to Stop It
"Triangulation is a harmful psychological and passive-aggressive tool used by narcissists and other types of manipulative personalities. It involves the narcissist complaining about you to someone else in an attempt to solve a problem in their favour. "
“To confirm, the abuse the abuse and deceptive action they have done is a charge; the triangulation and coverup creating abuse to cover up abuse is a charge.”
Brain Fog: For those who need head space from dealing with covert, gaslighting, abusive, deceptive people who will keep going to keep the facade going, assuming gaslighting works on everyone as it does on themselves… start to remove brain fog that comes from tolerating what should be tolerated. They want you to feel less, like they do, and that is why the control issues are present, the trauma bond but with you carrying the trauma for them.
Medical News Today - Examples and signs of gaslighting and how to respond
Very Well Mind - Is Someone Gaslighting You? Look Out For These Red Flags
Removing brain fog is key because a balanced brain doesn’t need someone else’s personality disorder trying to create conformity to stop someone’s disorder triggers. Waling in eggshells is done very subtly, and at certain times, the mask is only half slipping. Read about how the human mind can gain growth and elasticity again because you can and they can’t. It’s not love, it's narcissistic feed, it’s not love; it’s abuse if you have brain fog.
Silent treatment and gaslighting happened/witnessed to the abuser in childhood (projection in adult life, no empathy); it is learnt, and they can’t process facts and accountability like everyone else… that is why they do these actions to others; their mind is not what you think; unfortunately, the hidden second narrative is the key to seeing all they do, and why you only see the first one they want you to see… brutal truths in the childhood they filter out, they filter out the truth in adult life until they fix what you are trying to get you to go along with. Educate, heal, and protect your empathy. Ask questions first, then help, not the other way around.
Psychology Today - How to Heal the Traumatized Brain
AC - Brain Fog, Foggy Head Anxiety Symptoms
NLM - The Amygdala, Sleep Debt, Sleep Deprivation, and the Emotion of Anger: A Possible Connection?
CC - How the Amygdala Affects Anxiety
NL - Brain Fog: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Management Strategies
BH - Amygdala Function: Psychology Behind Fight Or Flight
Dissociative Amnesia from Abuse: They have gone too far and overplayed their hands; the emotional abuse and control issues have harmed someone else mind, so it starts to not remember the abuse to protect itself. Parents and siblings with personality disorders tend to go too far due to a culture where boundaries are dismissed or the boss who expects everyone to be an extension of them because they are an extension of someone. The authorities should be spoken to if your memory starts to go. the gaslighting abuser has found ways to cover up at any expense and will not see they will harm people who they have gained their trust. Parents and children near a narcissistic biased person will be the secondary red flags and eddies someone is deceptive and manipulative. It's your own empathy and tolerance that can harm you if you stay when you shouldn’t; they see nothing wrong as they cannot see and feel others the way they should, so the four-part cycle continues.
Can one experience memory loss following an abusive relationship?
12 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome (and How to Get Help)
Medical News Today - Signs of narcissistic victim syndrome
Choosing Therapy - 16 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse & Victim Syndrome
NHS - Symptoms of a dissociative disorder
PTDT - The Impact of Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse
Psychology Today - Dissociative Amnesia
Mayoclinic - Dissociative disorders
Cleveland Clinic - Dissociative Amnesia
Psychology Today - Structural Dissociation and Hiding Behind "'Normal"
Learn to leave what is hiding in plain sight and confusing to keep you hooked; what is unhealthy for one is going to be unhealthy for two, and it’s not obvious at first because the trauma bond, facade and false self-construct make it that way, the two narratives keep circling back to making the partner or loved one experiences the two narratives as well. You only need one based on truth, not jealousy, hidden deep insecurity unaddressed (you are made to feel that way or pressure for validation and to accept chips and pokes), gossip, gaslighting and smearing to keep the truth suppressed, such as a lack of empathy for others; it will harm a person who has empathy. They will smear you as they did in the relationship because you can't fix what they won’t admit to; it is time to leave. your life, not there’s their history, not yours.
Coverups always have the same tactics as seen in the primary evidence; you can’t teach someone to feel and process what they assume is out of their capacity, and rules are for someone else. Low and zero emotional intelligence may mask the toxic unhealthy compassion and dark needs for attention and validation (the lie is fine if someone goes along with it), but it still thinks a certain way, no matter who exposes them (themselves first)… it will always be yet another mind game for stimulation and release….bit now not at your expense.
NDVH - Why People Stay It's not as easy as simply walking away
Psychology Today - Why Didn't You Just Leave?
JOL - 11 Reasons Why People in Abusive Relationships Can’t “Just Leave”
"Society normalises unhealthy behaviour so people may not understand that their relationship is abusive."
AOA - The Domestic Violence Victim: Why Don't They Simply Leave?
PN - Why Do People Stay In Abusive Relationships
MW - 4 stages in the cycle of abuse and how to heal
Medium - Why Staying Seems Easier Than Walking Away, Even if it’s Unhealthy
Vice - Why It’s So Hard to Leave an Abusive Relationship
Shorts: (15 second snippets)
Healthy until triggered: (the mask)
How will the Narcsissit end up? (people catch up)
They do not want you on your feet (fear of change in others to show the narc tricks)
Borderline & Other Considerations:
VeryWellMind: Malignant Narcissism
VeryWellMind: Histrionic vs. Narcissistic Disorders: Key Traits and Differences
VeryWellMind: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits in Children: What You Should Know
VeryWellMind: What Is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
VeryWellMind: How Borderline Personality Disorder Is Diagnosed
VeryWellMind: BPD Splitting: Meaning, Triggers, and Treatment
VeryWellMind: What Is a Psychopath?
VeryWellMind: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits in Children: What You Should Know
VeryWellMind: The Link Between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Alcoholism
Psychology Today - 6 Self-Sabotaging Things Narcissists Do
R - Narcissism and Self-Sabotage: Impact on Relationships and Dating
Healthline - How to Recognize Coercive Control
PsychCentral - How Narcissists Blame and Accuse Others for Their Own Shortcomings
Signoff: Those who covertly or overtly self-sabotage will, when fearing exposure, find a scapegoat to carry the shame and deception and use the same actions on others externally from the hidden (on purpose) gaslighting and deceptive emotional abuse interaction. They may claim a special bond relationship, claim they know ‘I am joking’, or claim anything to keep a blameshift stimulation active in a covert manner.
UF - 7 Things Narcissists Fear the Most
NFF - What the Narcissist Fears Most
Note-taking the abuser's odd comments is key to linking the justification of a personality disorder and history that justifies a delusional assuming fantasy action. Deception means covert, the wrong tools and lack of awareness and authentic connection… with a biased agenda.
Be mindful of what the compensating behaviour and blame-shifting look and feel like. Are deception and self-sabotage connected? Yes. Just as a smear is a confession, the actions and stammers are connected to the smoke and fire.
The history is the timeline, and the two narratives are linked. The important question to ask is why a person is deceptive. What is missing to make them choose to look at cracks and opportunities rather than authentic long-term balanced connection? Coercive Control is linked to deep, hidden insecurity, not a grandiose arrogance, which is linked to a hidden, fragile ego.
Abuse is linked to someone’s hidden internal situation and development years, that they want to make someone else’s responsibility (owning perception to gain conformity through insecurity) so they don’t have to… even in the adult world.
BehindClosedDoors - What is domestic abuse?
"Name calling, ‘put downs’, silence (treatment), blaming the victim for everything, false accusations, insulting you or your family, humiliating you in private and/or in company, leaving nasty messages for you."
To expose, put the correct mirror in front of them, not the one they have for themselves with a false self-construct, tell the truth, professional and the authorities can spot baiting, effects of emotional abuse, control, people’s development years still present and born personality disorders and how compensating behaviours keep them hidden… but not invisible. Victims should be protected, never scapegoated or abused, and covered up with third-party abuse. Check the latest fraud, abuse and covert controlling laws to know your position even with brain fog.
Fearing disgrace and exposure, covert deceptive (dangerous) abusers will try anything to cover their hidden abuse up, anything. The detachment and blameshift will have people fighting between two groups while the dangerous, deceptive person hides…. but is invisible. Pay attention; not everything can be faked… such as the truth. A lie is made purely on a delusional person’s imagination only… and that can be tested while it is defended.
Marriage - How to Make a Narcissist Fear You: 15 Proven Strategies