Narcissism Fraud Coverup

Summary: If you are too close to someone who refuses to be authentic, step back.

Double-check for the professional victim card to deflect or smear their actions on others, as well as malicious actors pretending to be someone for financial gain with charm or deflection. The giveaway is the shame dump when some get too close to the truth and facts. A reaction to something, not a reaction to nothing. Up until a certain point, the malicious actor is gaining supply and attention inside a reality distortion that others need to be educated on fast. Deception with the intention to create self-deception, use your own empathy and tolerance against yourself self. The excess cover-up will mean one thing… someone is close to the second narrative and core intention, so others outside the facade will be used with influence in a detached way… claiming and assuming they can control other people’s perception and narrative… making the facade to big without realising not everyone falls for something, some may fall for anything or need to hide as well. You can fool some people some of the time, but not everyone all of the time. This is when stalking will happen directly or indirectly, needing to keep an eye on the target that knows more than most.

“Pay attention to how much tolerance they have for evil taking place around them… and they do nothing.”

“Social Engineering - An attacker uses human emotion - fear and urgency - to trick the target into doing something.”

“Malicious actors pretend with social engineering to convince, impersonate a victim, either by posing as the victim to mislead others to gain access to the victim’s life, mental health, accounts, network and resources. Direct or by proxy.”

“They will use their own children for time, energy, supply and influence; nothing is off limits. Lie about partners, other children and others ‘Ive done nothing wrong’ Disingage and create distance.” "The brain is different; it will not change its makeup or agenda, but your education can. Watch out for pathological envy to keep others below them, and sabotage other people’s plans, as does jealousy… all of which shows a lack of empathy. “They can figure out why people have an issue with being manipulated. All actions give away the agenda by abusing boundaries through fear of being exposed.”

“Cut your losses, and go No Contact; the smear is secondary and linked to the primary evidence that something is missing that makes a human complete.”

Research Links:

Quillette - Narcissism and Fraudulence

FairyTaleShadows - Why Relationships With Narcissists Are Fraudulent

PsychCentral - 8 Ways Narcissists Con You

7) Faux vulnerability

Just as narcissists may tell you that you need them, they’ll pretend that they need you.

8) Selective truth

Narcissists exaggerate. They speak in glittering generalities. They say: Everyone knows this, Everyone else agrees or Everybody does this.

Underneath these eight cons are the narcissist's deep inadequacies. Deep down, they are convinced that:

Losing is unacceptable

They won't survive without enough attention

Others are out to get them

Patrick Wanis - The Con Artist – Psychopath, Narcissist & Machiavellian

1. The Machiavellian

Uses clever but often dishonest methods that deceive people so that he/she can win power or control

2. The Narcissist

An exaggerated sense of self-importance

Need for excessive admiration

3. The Psychopath

Psychopath is a word commonly used to label someone who exhibits antisocial behavior (sometimes violent behavior), is a pathological liar, superficial, a con artist, and someone who lacks empathy or remorse.

4. Pathological lying – skilled liars, unafraid of being caught; lie to manipulate.

5. Conning and manipulativeness – ‘callous ruthlessness’ – deceive, cheat, con, and defraud others for personal gain.

6. Lack of remorse or guilt – they feel pain for themselves but not others; cold-hearted with no empathy for their victims – only disdain for the their victims.

9. Parasitic lifestyle – they live off others with no sense of responsibility or accountability; will manipulate and exploit others for their own gain.

12. Early behaviour problems – antisocial behaviour before age 13 – lying, stealing, cheating, vandalism, bullying, cruelty to animals or siblings.

Con artists – sociopaths - Narcissists

Quora - Are narcissists basically con artists at heart?

Reddit - I think narcissism is under-diagnosed

ShortForm - The Psychology of Con Artists: The 3 Most Common Behaviors