
Summary: Conditioning and training are necessary to be mentally and physically fit.

The mind and body can become unfit if the environment and influences are directed differently.

The negative and learned formulas to hide agenda while inflicting abuse can create manipulative and steaming survival techniques rather than the example of connecting with authenticity.

True or False:

People are made from the influence, environment and induced education for good or bad.

In a cult, someone is trying to control others to gain the same ideology through a number of techniques that worked on them… so others must follow either via a covert or overt approach to make people conform to a culture that suits one.

Coercive control via a subtle masked approach due to someone have a deep insecuirty and a need, or branding a minset that has a purpose and requires certain routines to reach the goal.

Conditioning in a positive way can turn matters around and offer the power to remove bad habits if the same can be done in one direction; people must be aware that the human mind is a reality sponge and be mindful of the mansion, which is designed to be masked as something else.

If a manipulator learns to be manipulative from their childhood experiences, their perception is designed and made to reach an outcome differently from most people. What is unhealthy for one will be unhealthy for two.

Are manipulators self-aware? Yes.

(An update will follow shortly - check back later for research links and source material)