Truthful Life
Summary: A person with a truthful life will encounter situations in which exposing fakers, narcissists, enablers, flying monkeys, henchmen, and tricksters. The agenda will create conflicting opinions.
Manipulators want to manipulate because they cannot navigate through empathy. They know what they know and cannot do the other because they were created from their earlier environment.
Will a manipulator admit to being a manipulator? No. If they did, they ruin their own game to play. Having the two complete pathways, the lie and the avoiding the lie, gives drama, not boredom. In some, the childhood never stops until it is processed.
Ask a child what they want, ask a narcissist what they want, and it’s uncanny.
Ask a child what they need, ask a narcissist what they need, and they may smirk.
Ask an empath what makes them tick, and the answer is obvious and transparent.
The difference is one person can live with truth running right through them and know the difference between right and wrong, giving all the facts.
Another is amoral.
The story of a hero is finding a way to retain balance; in story drama, it should not be straightforward; like a good film, the conclusion ties up all loose ends.
Self knowledge and empathy.