Summary: Word salads unrelated to the situation, disregard for details, changing the subject, blameshifting back, abuse, discard to avoid discussion, not accepting accountability, and won't stop until the concerns are suppressed with a faux apology until next time. And then they appear normal again. Red Flag.
Love Bombing (major red flag), hovering, strange messages on certain days in specific ways with a bias in the dialogue.
If you want to expose the narcissist, mirror them back (warning: have evidence in place first) or set boundaries to show the detached agenda and record the reaction. The truth must be filtered out in their mind so the relationship fits the narrative with a bias and no accountability. All of these approaches are unhealthy and clearly show no processing of self-awareness.
Creating vague drama is very common to gain a narcissistic supply, falsifying for attention—source evidence in writing before blocking. The disorder can be noted via a lack of respect for boundaries, and a professional should always check the duration of the behaviour.