Summary: Get out of your head? What isn’t processed at 3 pm can be processed at 3 am. What isn’t processed in childhood can surface in adulthood. What is the process and why?
A human mind is a reality machine, and in a balanced statement, it wants to learn, process, and move forward without a cognitive bias present internally or externally.
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the wrong environment, the wrong people, the wrong set of choices, or someone else inflicting the wrong elements can lead to rumination if the situation isn’t understood fully.
Suppressing, ignoring, not identifying the correct elements, or someone gaslighting to serve one can be a trigger. Is it the complex residue of avoidance, lack of awareness, signs of a manipulator in the environment trying to avoid accountability or a piece of time missing to reflect?
How fragile is the human mind? How resilient is the human mind?