Reality Sponge
Summary: The human mind processes information through five holes in the skull and sensory processing through the body. Children and adults learn in stages.
Then what?
Processing, filtering, and memorising. The complex formula of thinking is an equation based on compounded experiences and information.
We learn good or bad, amoral types may assume a bias is acceptable, and empathy may offer “you, me, and the situation”.
Emotional reactions in the limbic brain and thinking in the prefrontal cortex work together or are disconnected depending on what the environment offers.
Live Science - The five (and more) human senses
Sensory/social skills: 2 to 12 years
Decades of experience can affect adults' ability to either be fixed in a mindset or vulnerable enough to allow authenticity and success in relationships.
Being fragile differs from being vulnerable; growth comes from the latter, while fragility may come from a masked personality or a set of events that affect growth.
Agenda changes the state of the ego; education changes the strength.
What a person is subjected to will affect the mind software; what matters is what comes next, as the human mind is constantly in need of experience and knowledge… make it colourful and not suppressed or conditioned and the imagine will allow children to grow in unity and make the next generation of adults that make more consideration than the last.