Narcissistic Parents - Pt4
Summary: Self-centred detached undiagnosed personality disorder parents can rob people in more ways than one.
Children and partners will suffer due to simply being balanced and tolerating.
All the excuses they make… are an insight into who they actually are as a person, not a parent.
References & Quotes:
VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy
PsychCentral - 25 Characteristics of Narcissistic Parents and Dysfunctional Families (Part 1)
USA Today - What happens when a narcissist becomes a parent? They force their kids into these roles
Psychology Today - How to Manage Narcissistic Parents as They Age
'Playing the Victim'
'Stirring Up Drama'
'Empathy Vacuum'
'Set boundaries. Recognise that narcissists will do whatever they can to get you to give them what they want.'
'Don’t lower yourself to your parent’s level'
Psychology Today - 10 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent
Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Parents: Traits, Signs, & How to Deal With One
LinkedIn - A Narcissistic Parent Amplifies Your Emotional Distress ON PURPOSE
TAC - The Impact of Growing Up With A Narcissistic Parent
KC - Signs You Had a Narcissistic Parent, and How It May Have Impacted Your Own Development
VeryWellMind - 7 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent and How to Cope
'Good parenting requires empathy, compassion and the willingness to make some of your needs secondary — essentially, many of the traits that you wouldn’t find in a narcissist.'
'They see their child as a source of validation.'
'They are emotionally reactive, but shame their child’s emotions.'
'They always put their own needs first.'
'They shift blame onto their children.'
'They expect the child to be the caregiver.'
WebMd - How to Handle a Narcissistic Mother
'If your mother is a narcissist, she may be emotionally manipulative and coercive, says Mark Ettensohn, PsyD, author of Unmasking Narcissism: A Guide to Understanding the Narcissist in Your Life.'
'“Narcissistic traits run along a continuum,” Perlin says. Your mother may have a few, like self-absorption and entitlement'
Healthline - How to Help Children of Narcissistic Parents
'Using bullying techniques to maintain control, like teasing, criticising, manipulating, and gaslighting'
'Blaming their children or family members when things go wrong and refusing to take responsibility'
'Becoming extremely jealous and possessive when a child’s interest or attention is elsewhere'
'Children and adults with narcissistic parents may find themselves with similar traits, like selfishness, hypersensitivity, or intense competitiveness.'
'It’s not uncommon for only one parent in a relationship to exhibit narcissistic traits while the other parent serves as the protector.'
'Acknowledge the reality: One of the most important steps in the healing process is understanding that many people with narcissistic traits or NPD may lack the desire to change or face barriers to change.'
'Set personal boundaries: People with narcissistic traits or NPD may refuse to respect their children’s boundaries, even in adulthood.'
'Get professional help: Repairing a relationship with a narcissistic parent isn’t easy, and often, a lot of emotional history exists to process.'
Parenting for Brain - 11 Tips On How To Deal With a Narcissistic Parent
NI - How Having a Narcissistic Parent Impacts Young Adult Mental Health
'Teasing, mocking, bullying, and criticising to maintain superiority'
'Blaming family members when things don’t go their way (it’s always someone else’s fault)'
'Only showing love when their children do exactly what they ask—withdrawing love otherwise'
'Playing favourites—electing a “golden child” who’s above reproach and a scapegoat who’s blamed for everything'
'Expecting credit and praise for mothering'
'Displaying little to no awareness of how her behaviour affects others'
NIH - Healing the next generation: an adaptive agent model for the effects of parental narcissism
Millenialmom - How to Deal with Your Narcissistic Parents as an Adult