Narcissistic Grandmothers

Summary: It can be harder to spot. The loss of control over their children means they move on to the grandchildren to gain validation and empathy. The drain on the younger culture can prevent them from having an identity. Going no contact can protect innocent children who are not fully aware of the narcissistic dynamics or manipulation a narcotic person will do with a victim card for attention.

VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy

VeryWellMind- Why Do People Blame the Victim?

“The risk of inheriting narcissism is over 50% in some cases.” The culture around a child must consider having an insightful perception, truth, accountability, freedom from manipulation, progress away from emotional abuse or subtle surpression that many will do instead of connecting with consideration.


Psychology Today - Should Narcissistic Grandparents Be Kept Away From Kids?

Choosing Therapy: Narcissistic Grandmothers: 12 Signs & How to Deal With Them

DSNW - Boundaries with Narcissistic Grandparents

Charlie Health - Is Narcissism Genetic?

Parents - How To Tell If Your Child's Grandparent Is a Narcissist

Quora - How do narcissist grandparents treat their grandchildren?

Parents - Signs Your Kid Has Narcissistic Grandparents—and What to Do

Reddit - Does having grandchildren calm a narc parent down?