
Summary: Watch out, two sides to mirroring.

To expose the truth a narcissistic person is trying to hide, mirroring them or putting a mirror up in front of them… watch the blameshift tactics appear. Do with caution as a child throwing their toys out of a cot may be the reaction as accountably and exposing a deceptive delusion agedna become confusing.

A narcissistic person may mirror you to appear similar…

Later, the control issues will appear to justify a darker personality than the world sees, the public persona.

You are dealing with an incomplete person in an adult’s body, a child or teenager hiding behind an ageing face.

Too much is too much, too little is too little, odd is odd… a lack of empathy is different to being empathic.

A lack of identity means mirroring others to fit in when in public, behind closed doors, the negating self stop, the inner undeveloped self appears.

those who mirror may also trash-talk everyone when not present in the room; if you hear trash-talking with charm, they are doing the same about everyone, including yourself; a cluster B personality disorder only sees objects, not real people.

Exposing the truth is simple, ask the right questions for the mask personality cannot answer, and the inner slip self struggles to process the truth… the filter of no accountability overloads… the child mind hiding will struggle with accepting abuse, manipulation and fraud, deception, and empathy.

Choosing to unmask zero empathy means zero empathy has already been observed.


Psychopathy Is - What are Personality Disorders?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR)