
Summary: Mirroring is used in several ways, including to expose the truth, an abuser, or a manipulator. It can also be used to meet someone in the middle to mirror a positive intention to connect. Some mirror to trick or learn. There are positives and negatives to mirroring, so it is important to learn the subject and the agenda as to why mirroring is a technique used by a spectrum of people.


  • Learning from a mentor. Practising what is offered to develop a skill. A positive.

  • A person who inflicts, disrupts or abuses overtly or covertly but cannot take or be reminded of their own behaviour. Even feedback is seen as criticism, but they continue to abuse Boundaries until a strong boundary (reminder) is in place. Presenting their behaviour in a written format or offering a returned sample to stop the biased action. Not a positive.

  • A manipulator may mirror your clothes, car purchase, haircut, equipment, hobbies or career to lower awareness. “I am just like you” but not on the nose. Humour may not mask the interior, especially if it is off. Mirroring is used to create a formula for the other person’s internal self so as not to see what is camouflaged. Not a positive.

  • An affected experience is projected onto another relationship without processing. Mirroring creates the same product from an environment and experience. With self-awareness for stimulation or a lack of self-awareness, the conclusion is the same. Not a positive.

What is lacking is authenticity, transparency, and genuineness from the core outwards - the mask is flawed. Certain personality disorders have to mirror learning as the internal lacks the ability to create. The agenda affects authenticity. Mind software cannot allow a manipulator to have their full cake and eat it without creating Compensating Behaviour, which is also well documented.

How do children learn? By mirroring their parents for good or bad until Balance is understood along with Accountability. A p’s moral code can be created from their childhood environment.