Making A Psychopath
Summary: Nature vs Nurture. Born or a reaction to something. The childhood that makes a psychopath (ASPD). If a person is malignant, the childhood experiences may have created a more darker hidden agenda behind the mask of sanity and charm.
If a plant grows in good nutritional soil with due care and attention, just as a child grows with accountability and a balanced environment, there is less to go in a certain direction. If the parent chooses to leave the baby in the cave… then blame the victim, matters along with certain genetic pre-cursors will create a different situation.
Childhood trauma, and emotional abuse, besides many negative family culture elements, will make a child survive differently. Instead of empathy developing, other approaches are used.
Masking ASPD, Dark Triad, or Dark Tetrad personality traits will happen but are not invisible. The negative behaviour can be seen more depending on childhood experiences.
Be very wherry of Gaslighting, triangluation and manipulative conversation to blame shift away when fear of exposure is noted by the disruptor who may say one thing but act differently to others on a number of occasions. Check the childhood stories.
Some with a personality disorder know they ar different; some are cynical and may assume they are just getting in there first as everyone is doing it.
Some may try extreme measures to cover up anything they do, but very few will seek help to live with the truth.
Therapist - What is a psychopath? Signs, causes, treatments
VeryWellMind - What Is a Psychopath?
Cambridge Uni Press - Effects of Childhood Trauma in Psychopathy and Response Inhibition
Psychology Today - Psychopathy
Psychology Today - The Risk Factors for Continuing the Cycle of Abuse