Empathy Test Disruptive People
(an update will follow shortly - check back later for research links and source material)
Empathy Test A Disruptive Person - Prove the obvious and not so obvious.
Note: Not to be done without a valid reasons and education in place as the evidecne may still look camoflaged in the same way for the statmetns and actions are performed. Ask why should it be done and done by who, yourself or the professaionls and authrisites or everyone.
Sumary: Some can be overt with a personality disorder, and some can be covert and manipulative under the radar or both. Some choose empathy and consideration for the long term, while others see a biased opportunity and cover-up in a certain way. Survival tools, tricks, delusional assumptions—everything is acceptable.
It is safe to say don’t date, marry or partner with a covert corner cutter with a bias. Nothing will be what it appears to be.
Testing empathy in such a type can trigger ‘Fear of Exposure.’
What baffles people is once the truth is discovered, why would someone put so much energy into faking instead of just being authentic - and removing one of the Two Timelines Active in the Mind… consciously or unconsciously, the statements and actions will back it up.
The first is - What is actually happening.
Second - 'Fit The Narrative' that others should see and live by to suit the needs of one.
If someone is juggling a number of actions and secrets while walking and talking, can it be spotted? Yes. Can it be tested? Yes.
Three types of Empathy, time, set of events, the Childhood, facial, body expressions and Micro-Expressions.
Masking is a dirty trick and when the mask slips or someone pulls it off, the behaviour of the faker will act in a certain way and all that compensating behaviour has been documented as well.
With the mask on - gaslighting, triangulation, passive-aggressive comments and abuse, manipulation, fraud with distraction, no guilt, avoiding shame.
Without the mask - overt comments and abuse, Bully-Victim Swop, physical, behind closed doors, in public, projection, target the victim, professional victim
Card, blame shift, bypass, avoidance, silent treatment, statements and actions don't match, cover up.
Baseline and ripples in the water, put a mirror up in front of the disruptor for them to see themselves which will let others see their true self.
Some may respond to a written list of behaviour and history by stressing it with gaslighting and bypass, some will avoid and create flying monkeys.
The conclusion is that some people are not trying to hide 'nothing', they are trying to hide 'something'.
That something will have triggers if it has been hidden in purpose.
The conclusion is, a disruptor will in fact expose themselves to those who are educated to know what is hiding in plain sight.
The simple answer is know what you are looking at.
Three forms of Observation:
Paying Attention
The third requires an education or a natural talent for observation with a moral core.
The twisted side is those with an amoral perception and am affected childhood without person growth, are in fact looking at everyone all the time due to needing an unhealthy need for validation, empathy for others to feed off, and seeking opportunity while not being seen.
Everyone has to accept that the disruptor is paying more attention to everyone else than they are to the covert or overt disruptor. It's called playing catch-up. The disruptor was conditioned to think a certain way in childhood while others where doing something else. This was not always through choice.
Once the parameters are reset to think that someone who covertly act in such a way and they learn how they are made… life navigates away from what is unhealthy for one, as it will be unhealthy for two.
Tricksters do suffer from hurt so they hurt others like they were hurt. Low emotional i tellengce wants to pull down everyone to its level. Miss empathy wants more from others rather than face to fix it.
Once a person learns about what is camouflaged for public consumption the best solution is to move forward and step away from the hidden vortex, trauma bond, parasitic, blameshift and ‘i only know how to survive this way’ approach.
Life lessons and karma might not seen like they have caught up with a malignant covert type, or a charming overt type. Look inside, it's a mess.
A self induced mess on top of what was started. This is where empathy has been used and drained. They can seek a mindsoftware update but they want you to change so they don't have too, if everyone steps back then the lie stops working, it takes two to make a lie have legs. If the second person stops be living it, then they lie stays inside.
Everyone gets it tough if they wants goals to work out. Some just want you to do it for them while they do something else.
The research suggests many are not in fact adults in adult bodies, that is the projected delusion. Spot what you chose to learn and make a healthy comparison. While you might be unhealthy, being compared to so strange behaviour surfaces for that fragile and strangely overinflated ego does something covertly or overtly.
Trust your experienced and educated gut instinct and hand them a dummy with all evidence signed off.
Note: Be safe; the authorities and professionals may take a certain approach when it comes to serious personality disorders that you don’t need to apply any time and energy into.