Creating A Narcissist

Summary: Is a narcissistic child created on purpose? Yes and No. The resources will provide an interesting view of the cycle of parent and child relationships.

Insight: The first mistake is passing on unprocessed trauma from the last generation to the next generation. Yes, narcissistic people make narcissistic people in several ways, and they cannot see the damage they cause due to the disorder or high level of traits. The process has happened repeatedly for a long time, and not since the many books, documentaries or social media platforms started spreading education on the origins and behaviour.

People living with undiagnosed traits and an unhealthy cognitive bias will not see the cause and effect they have in the environment around them, so the cycle continues with justification and no new education to get them out of the hole. What they assume can be repeated and normalised is way off the mark. When NPD is formed beyond the high level of traits, their own trauma or justified behaviour is processed differently to everyone who is educated correctly, the child or the teenager at some point became stuck while the body appears adult.

Emotional intelligence, intelligence, memories, emotions, need for validation, attention-seeking, fantasy issues, blame-shifting, lack of accountability, triangulation, gossiping, creating enablers, creating flying monkeys, covert and overt abuse, and not understanding boundaries or behaviour parameters are just some of the red flags.

Trauma bonds people in relationships, blame-shifts onto them and compares them to others in an unhealthy way. It all starts to appear like the development years of a child are still in motion. And if a person remains a child for too long, how do they operate in a marriage? The childhood they never receive may be attempted to be extended on different terms, and so the cycle continues while they project onto others. Humans are sponges of reality around them. The façade they create has an agenda.

Creating an environment in which the child is either abused or learns to develop incorrectly through amoral examples will create the risk of a cognitive bias forming. If only ‘me’ is understood, then that will turn into me, me, me and not you, me and the situation because you and the situation need to be filled out in childhood, so it’s not understood in adulthood.

The child’s perception is affected, and it can take many years to understand (if possible) that they are not the victim but now the disruptor, and although the past is to blame, their affected agenda is not an excuse to continue the cycle of – hurt people hurt other people… or to be more understanding and accurate perception – questionable behaviour never to be repeated.

The statements, actions, comments, and relationships over time show that something was not signed off correctly in the past, development stages were not understood, no sound education was gifted, and incorrect life lessons were added without learning the true purpose of yes and no.

Most of all behaviours were created in childhood; where else and how else would someone create a character and an agenda with survival tools? All the answers can be found in the first twenty years of a person's life. Some parents are warned what is not processed by the self can still be learned by the observing child even if genetics play a part from 20% to 60% of what is seen and heard; it’s the environment and the behaviour of the parents that triggers many issues noted in modern society that have been around for a long time.
