Without Context vs Context Blindness

Summary: It is key to speak with ‘connecting information’ to move a conversation forward with empathy, consideration, and purpose. It is easier said than done, no pun intended.

Speaking unprocessed thoughts with the assumption everyone knows what everything means without an explanation is something to note. Impulse control.

Context blindness is on a scale from simple conversation without consideration to a trait on the Autism spectrum.

Someone can be confused about a situation they are experiencing and act out of context or speak without understanding how others process the provided sentences.

Assessment can be helpful. Speaking without context can be linked to ADHD & ADD.


ADHD Homestead - What makes difficult conversations so much harder for someone with ADHD?

VeryWellMind - The Psychology Behind Excessive Talking

VeryWellMind - What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

VeryWellMind - Bipolar Disorder Explained: Everything You Need to Know

Healthline - How Does ADHD Affect Speech?

Excessive Talking in Children With ADHD

ADDRC - The Effects of ADHD on Communication

WebMD - Communication Hacks for ADHD

Translating ADHD - Context Pitfalls and ADHD

Science Daily - Early vocabulary size is genetically linked to ADHD, literacy, and cognition

CHADD - Interoceptive Awareness and ADHD

Great Speech - Can ADHD Cause Speech Apraxia?

ASHA - Language Impairment in the ADHD Context

NIH - Language Problems and ADHD Symptoms: How Specific Are the Links?

Health - Context is Everything

All About Psychology - Conversations Without Shared Context

ADDiss - Language Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

CAM - Stop Getting Lost in Conversations