Cluster Personality pt1

This page is not for story drama research. Try to consider the reality of these situations, which can be confusing, masked, and sometimes very disruptive and debilitating. The lack of self-awareness can create covert or overt abusive behaviours due to the deregulation of emotions in certain circumstances. Development years, genetics and environments are the elements to consider. Note the lack of empathy, overly focused agenda for validation, or a need for manipulation as a survival tool.

Read this page first; it outlines all three cluster references: Mayo Clinic - Personality Disorders A, B, C.

Its important to list several research references to suggest their isn’t a bias and the information is confirmed.

Psychology Today - Cluster B

Medical News Today - Cluster B

PsychCentral - Cluster B

VeryWellMind - Cluster B

Healthline - Cluster B

WebMD - Cluster B

DSM-5: A reference book for symptoms of an emotional and psychological state. Here is an outline view with links.

Do narcissistic people believe their own detached lies to maintain a certain reality and an image to hide insecurity?

“Narcissists live and die by their own version of the truth. Is it the truth if reality has been distorted? A narcissist believes it is. Extreme cognitive distortions and rigid unconscious defence mechanisms change a person’s perception of an experience. Paramount distortions and defences are typically employed by a person with a narcissistic personality disorder; both alter reality in order to make it more palpable for a fragile ego.”

Doctor Ramani covers this in her films. The fear of exposure will present itself; it’s important to learn about the compensating behaviour from those who are self-aware and those who are not; many disruptive or controlling people go undiagnosed, even though the behaviour patterns are consistent over a period of time and their relationship with the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are skewed.

To simplify, it can be the relationship between a perception of acceptable behaviour, fragile ego, emotional intelligence, agenda, how goals are achieved without consideration, a lack of empathy for others and a lack of balance and accountability. Plus, a child like view of public image to hide disrutrive behavoier. We are only classed as adults when we behwve like balascned adults, a some are children, or teenagers hiding in adult bodies for several reasons. Gaining profession help to update the perception (mind software) will help in many cases, not so with some unfortunately.

Psych2Go films can be for teenagers as well as adults.

Comparing different types and crossover can be seen in several films, some symptoms look the same, its important to review carefully.

Bipolar and Border are reviewed, they by comparison are easier to treat than NPD. Their is a certain duration to treat NPD and the opinion is very little change in many cases. That does not mean professional guidance should be ignored - a change is always healthy for those nearby that person.

Temperament = What you are born with and appears in the generation of family history.

“Passive aggressive is their go-to behind closed doors in the same way they once experienced.”

Narcissistic injury and fear of exposure, unable to see boundaries and accepting ‘no’.


BP1 = Shift between normal and manic (7 days)

BP2 = Milder version of BP1 with Hypo-mania

ClevelandClinic - Histrionic Personality Disorder

How to Interact with People Who Have Cluster B Personality Disorders

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