Can people with narcissistic traits change?
Summary: Yes and no. Research a lack of self-awareness first. The subject of change is linked to how the inner self perceives the world behind the mask which many cannot see due to charm or victim card enabling continues. It takes more than one to help change a narcissistic person come to terms with being wrong.
VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy
VeryWellMind - Why Do People Blame the Victim?
The childhood mind is present due to a number of events: no accountability, bad examples of how to behave, abuse, emotional abuse, and a mind that hasn’t developed fully. There is no overnight change; that is further deception on their behalf.
Imagine being told everything you know about the world is wrong while manipulating people with a distraction of charm that works for them, or they lack qualities other people naturally have. This is not planet Earth as you know it will create defence mechanisms… further red flags.
They may assume you are gaslighting them as they gaslight everyone else, a trapped reality putting it back on everyone else.
A very small may realise they were wrong, but empathy doesn’t grow on trees; it is grown in childhood in healthy, balanced soil in most cases. Not everyone who had an affected childhood becomes narcissistic; genetics in the generation play a part in some cases.
Medical News Today - Can a narcissist change? What to know
PsychCentral - Can a Narcissist Change?
VeryWellMind - Can a Narcissist Change?
ThriveWorks - Can a narcissist change? Causes and effective treatments for narcissism