Blame and Responsibility
Summary: Genetics. Maybe on day in the future, people may add gene testing when dating someone new…
Until that day, let’s look at the education and awareness of more people; they feel attracted, they have children, and they try and learn fast about parenthood. They may see themselves in their children straight away or deny any kind of link opt the behaviour while they are performing the same behaviour as an adult.
“Blame-shifting is a lack of insight with a reality/cognitive distortion.”
VeryWellMind - Why Do People Blame the Victim?
VeryWellMind - What to Do If You or a Loved One Lack Empathy
Denial never helps, it’s a form of avoidance to push aware accountability… Cluster B Personality Disorders should be reviewed while attempting to discuss with an oddly defensive, arrogant person who chooses to blame shift away.
For the rest of us, discussing genetics can be fascinating and at the same time, offer a truth which may take time to adjust too. The truth is, humans require a good start in life and many don’t resect the purpose of a good foundation or where they came from.
Avoid blame, take responsibility for the situation, and educate yourself as much as possible to handle any conversation or situation. There is always a better way. The past offers insight; we have 40,000 years to reflect on. The education cycle of the modern era is built on a layer of knowledge that has been passed on throw the generations and updated accordingly with grounded considerations… it is up to the person to find the universal approach without a bias that restricts a developing perception.
Avoiding responsibility is always the issue, never blaming, that is, for a few sentences of discussion to correct… Responsibility is a lifelong approach.
Psychology Today - Personal Responsibility and Mental Health
NIH - Responsibility without Blame: Therapy, Philosophy, Law
Psychology Today - The Responsibility Continuum
NIH - The triangle model of responsibility
Transformative Therapy - Blame vs. Responsibility
Psychology Today - When Taking on Responsibility for Something Goes Too Far
Evolve in Nature - Responsibility vs Blame
Psychology Today - Accepting Responsibility
Inner Dawn - How is self-blame different from taking responsibility?
Psychology Today - Why Taking Honest Responsibility Can Make You Happy
Psychology Today - Responsibility, Freedom, Empowerment, and Mental Health