Summary: Hidding ignorance with arrogance. A person must remove it fast to avoid full stupidity and exposure to low-level narcissistic traits. A bias is never healthy for the self or others; the childish view turns dark and deceives the disruptor by breaking everything.
Why do people become arrogant? Childhood education pops up a few times. See the Dunning-Kruger Effect for further insight into learning with an ego… it happens.
True or False:
They learned it from someone and liked the justified way to cut corners and never process correctly to achieve their full potential… as that would require smart real effort.
The failure comes around later and is suppressed by more arrogance, a Catch-22. If the success formula failing first many times is not learned, the goal is never achieved.
You will never find an arrogant person at the top for long; the facade breaks under too much pressure (according to them), so the lower levels or in the shadows is the main standpoint.
Should’a could’a would’a with a Blame-Shift is much easier to live with and offers a delusional quick fix that gives consequences and residue in the offset. Linked to a personality disorder that could be self induced through Self Sabotage.