01/01/2024 Children of the Narcissist - The Caretaker/Mascot Previous Doubling Down and Dark Personality Next The Hero Child - Roles in Narcissistic / Dysfunctional Families You Might Also Like You CAN'T count on narcissists for these 4 things What is the Cost of Avoiding Conflict in a Relationship ? | Dr. David Hawkins Dysfunctional Family Roles The narcissist and the invisible child The hard work of co-parenting with a narcissist
01/01/2024 Children of the Narcissist - The Caretaker/Mascot Previous Doubling Down and Dark Personality Next The Hero Child - Roles in Narcissistic / Dysfunctional Families You Might Also Like You CAN'T count on narcissists for these 4 things What is the Cost of Avoiding Conflict in a Relationship ? | Dr. David Hawkins Dysfunctional Family Roles The narcissist and the invisible child The hard work of co-parenting with a narcissist