01/01/2024 Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Previous The narcissist and the golden child (Narcissistic Family Roles) Next When the scapegoat helps the golden child You Might Also Like Narcissistic Family: Odd Ways They TARGET the Scapegoat Lessons for anyone who was scapegoated by a narcissist (Narcissistic Family Roles) Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist The Narcissistic Family - Growing up in a Cult How a narcissistic family gets a child to become the scapegoat
01/01/2024 Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Previous The narcissist and the golden child (Narcissistic Family Roles) Next When the scapegoat helps the golden child You Might Also Like Narcissistic Family: Odd Ways They TARGET the Scapegoat Lessons for anyone who was scapegoated by a narcissist (Narcissistic Family Roles) Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist The Narcissistic Family - Growing up in a Cult How a narcissistic family gets a child to become the scapegoat