Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Cyber Punk - Psychology - Visual Media - Clients
Everything - Writer - Story Drama - Cyber Punk - Psychology - Visual Media - Clients
Lifestyle encompasses several generalised elements
Does it mean looking at a handful of choices rationally without going too deep? No.
Lifestyle means life. It’s all in the pot and up for discussion, and it isn’t just about healthy cooking. Congruence vs Incongrunce (Carl Rogers)
A balanced mind and a balanced diet with a balanced perception made from a nutrient-rich education. What does incongruence look and sound like?
Simple Psychology (Carl Rogers Humanistic Theory And Contribution To Psychology)
Education - Culture
If life’s journey is experience, connection and for some reproduction, the goals will require an education, a higher education to replace the last point of view which may not have considered everything. What was relevant in the 1970s may not be relevant in 2050. Over time, culture gains more self-awareness and consideration for cause and effect… the green movement is a good example; what about doing the same for people as well as the environment?
Education - Purpose
Creating a goal a key to all success as it gives purpose. Try to avoid the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is based on unrealistic assumptions about the venture ahead.
More on that subject in another section… a man rubbing lemon juice on himself and assuming he was invisible and tried to rob a bank. For the rest of us, it shows up in different degrees. Someone can assume, “I will live to 132”, which is ten years past the world record and broadcast to influence without doing anything to serve that purpose… whatever rocks your boat, many consider the quality of life and quality time not to be an island can be more realistic and fulling.
We might all live to 132 one day, but with a huge diet change maybe, lifestyle changes, weekly fitness, continuous education to keep the brain active, and generations of healthy gene activation. Most important and learned from the Blue Zone studies is good culture and accountability… some consider a large family or social network, a bit of wine, oil, riding a bike, hiking up a hill, a bit of gym or resistance training, a good work ethic and empathy for all elements. Sounds good.
Quality time with people and situations keeps the focus and considerations healthy. Whatever the purpose, practising with good reachable goals and a good grounding can get the ball rolling and on to much bigger goals. Fantasy is great in books, films, games, dreams and imagination. Visualising goals in reality can be very interesting.
Believing a lie in the short term is easier than accepting the truth… for some, why?
There is a link to telling lies and lying to yourself, it will show up in many actions and perceptions, situations, and conclusions. Before starting any venture, what is the perception of the matter?
Has all considerations been made, or is it more of the same with the same outcome? If a tough time has been endured and a fresh start is required, then a new education is needed to stop the cycle from repeating itself, which means having a different relationship with the truth.
Some say the last 10% of truth is required for success, and it is only reached after a failure first, getting practice to remove the old perception and then moving on to achievement.
Truth allows a person to see what needs to change, replace an element with an effective considerate action and create traction.
“Once a person leaves a p.o.w. camp, the person must release the p.o.w. camp from themselves.”
That statement isn’t just linked to a negative relationship, it can be the cage a person makes around themselves.
The harsh truth can save a person’s life… self-deception is never a good baseline.
Imagine the brain as the hardware, then the mind must be the software.
When was your last update and did you feel the effects?
The human brain is a reality machine; what you put inside will affect your perception of the world.
There is no such thing as normal; it's another label… but there are differences in all of us, and one example is the brain of a Psychopath. Separate to detachment, odd statements, behaviour, lack of empathy, and irreversible damage with “what you on about?”… there are physical differences in the Pre-Frontal Cortex, Amygdala and Hippocampus, and brain scans show different types of activity.
Why this example? Watch the film and find out. Plus, for my Story Drama research, getting to the core is key.
A normal brain isn’t a correct term, so the second film is about ADHD and ADD. The third film is by Psych2Go, who make films for adults and teenagers… what's going on inside our brains? Time Perception. Film four discusses the perception of information… count the ball throws :)
It’s a temple and not a rental
The old saying ‘use it or lose it’ still rings true today.
Sitting down too much and avoiding exercise is a close second to smoking.
Using the gym? Look at the long goal rather the the short to keep the motivation active.
Diet and fitness should be marriages together and the amount of fitness and food consumption can active powerful actions in the body.
We are what we eat, what else are we made of?
Bran flakes and yoghurt combined may help the gut as a compound snack… while protein, carbs, healthy fats, nutrients, minerals and fibre maintain what the body needs for longevity. Removing refined and processed foods when possible is key.
150 minutes per week will change the life span… what you do in those minutes can make a huge deference. The right diet will help with progress.
True or False?
If you dont sleep, you will die in three months.
Self awareness?
Will Power
Make a plan, set a goal, see it to the end.
No introduction needed Uberman & Goggins.
circadian rhythm
Best time of day for your mind and body
The number that helps with oxygen in the blood.
Variable heart rate, noted when sleeping.
Resting Heart rate
Mostly noted when sleeping, a marker for fitness.
Social Drugs
Alcohol & Caffeine
Sharing quality time with others and ourselves. Time is our most valuable asset.
A great snippet conversation about the structure of a business and brands from zero to creating self-sufficiency.
A subject of mine, a bit of advice on structure.
The blueprint of work is this - ideas, products, services or both, plus Swiss Army knives, specialists, delegation, contribution and collaboration with purchase.
An interest and hobby require funding without considering a return on investment.
A venture and business have an end goal of a return on effort, achievement and customer satisfaction.
Depending on scale, a brand's cogs and mechanical parts will change over time.
Getting an idea off the ground requires people who can do more than one action in small numbers. When a venture is large, the brand can afford to have several specialists achieve one action and have teams of them.
When scaled, the brand operates like a machine with self-efficiency as long as each part has a purpose and operates with effective action.
A business is a system of parts; a brand is a collection of people motivated by an end goal and a journey. What goes in will eventually come out.
Part of success is high customer satisfaction and respect for the brand.
The business blueprint should not run with a cognitive bias, as the customer will walk after they realise the brand's agenda.
If the intention is to gain a bank balance with a poor product and service, the reviews will expose the psychology and the hidden motives.
The motivators and the type of motivation they employ to gain the end goal will either push a business up or down depending on the amount of consideration for the client and customers.
Longevity requires far more considerations and long-term thinking than what is considered ‘average, ' and that’s why a huge number of businesses fail.
Assuming too much with high levels of detachment and fantasy with bad psychology will surface. “I’ve done one thing: let’s go as I want a sports car or my nails done daily…”
The customer has a life, and they work hard for their money; it has value to them before it is owned by a brand after an exchange.
The questions a brand must ask are:
Who owns the money, and what value does it have?
When exchanging our offering for the customer’s money, is our product or service worthy?
If the answer is yes, the world will continue to want an exchange relationship in a cycle of brand association. “I like Apple and Porsche” or “Garmin and Audi”.
Someone can own one brand of phone for eight years, maybe ten. Another person may own three phones at the same time. The phone cost to both customers can be the same depending on quality and capability.
Long or short-term solutions can be offered. It is very important to know if a brand is offering long or short exchanges or the brand will collapse.
You can’t sell long-term ice cream and short-term beds and sofas and expect a non-volatile environment. Fact.
Some may buy the last most expensive product year after year, but they make up a small percentage of the customer interest. And that product may only have 5% gain over last year’s product. The reality may be repeat business every three years to four years. A reality noted in the business agenda comes from understanding the customer's mind, heart and lifestyle.
It is dangerous not to know the customer’s needs and make considerations for them.
It is also very important to have a friendship with the customer to gain a connection for respect and commitment. Marriages last because the partners are also very good friends. Fact. If not, explain the opposite and what it is like to not have authenticity and transparency in a marriage, work relationship and when asking the client for an exchange. How does it feel not to be genuine?
Life is not just organic or mechanical, it has a number of elements.
Those who can love, will feel love, those who can’t, will do something else.
Everyone should give it a go.
Body Language
Over 70% of what is not spoken is still expressed.
Without it, something is missing.
Imagination and creation without a budget required.
It changes your mind and brain when listneing to it, connecting nerual networks.
Star Signs
Invented well before the telescopes, the Babylonians created a complex assumption from the living population in Babylon, an ancient Mesopotamian city, estimated location is modern-day Iraq.
Linked to mirror neurons in the brain, childhood experiences, genetics, and education on connection and consideration (life lessons). Not everyone has empathy for others… to learn what empathy is, also learn what a lack of empathy looks like so Truth Bias can be understood as well.
I am going to speak personally on this matter rather than just reference for reader to investigate.
Empathy is a subject that I later found out isn’t for everyone; some really don’t get it… they want it but don’t necessarily formulate it in a two-way process. To avoid being judgemental, there are reasons for less or why a bias exists - noted in other reference elements. Let's stick with the human wifi, the ability to walk in other people's shoes, feel a deeper understanding of what is going on inside other people and see beyond the facade and face value (with further education, this opens up to another level with the Who, What, Why, When and How). Empathy is the first step in helping a situation; professionals are trained to spot the agenda for a good reason.
Without having the correct education to match the level of empathy, a person may help first and then ask questions second. I have done that… and then given three chances (many do this). It turns out I learned that approach from my mother and father as a navigation technique when growing up and stopped it and chose a wise approach. Being more selective showed up an interesting result. An education shouldn’t change a good thing; it will improve how time is shared. A passed-on education will do one thing in life, and universal psychology education expands the perception.
Empathy for the ‘self’ and ‘others’ has been documented fully, it's in books, films, stories, and daily life; it’s everywhere and, in some places, nowhere to be found.
Those who have empathy know what it is; you can empathy test those with it and those without it, and the outcome is very different. When ripples are in the water and choices need to be made beyond a statement, you will find that history is still linked to the present and probably the future.
The best way to know a faker is to observe at the highest level: looking, seeing, and paying attention. Always pay attention. My background is visual, body language and documenting it; I had no idea how that formulated from paying attention; I assumed it was just artist.
What does the mask look like that hides a lack of empathy for others?
An important side note to make: Love Bombing is not empathy or love; it only shows up at certain times… those who lack empathy for others use it to hover people in if they sense someone is on to them. Or a love-bombing agenda will appear when a negative action is performed. It's part of seeking validation in a highly manipulative way; the disruptor imagines, ‘They are thinking about me; I am in their thoughts’. A full Love Bombing section has links to all of this.
Watch out for texts on a birthday or special day with certain words presented; spot the bias, not the emotion: “I love you, I think about you, I miss you”, and then nothing on other days of the year. Bizarre? Timed, on purpose, an emotional manipulator who hasn’t realised Love Bombing is linked to narcissism and unhealthy levels of cognitive bias. A good friend of mine has this from time to time. A couple have it, it goes under the radar.
So, nothing is hidden in plain sight these days (I say that a few times), and each generation is playing catch-up. Narcissism was first labelled by the Greeks. Empathy and love do require a V.I.P. rope around it in case one of the 6% do something that looks authentic and takes up your time and energy to the point of draining you. The research suggests they don’t stop “what you on about; you're too sensitive”. Or is it they lack something that they want others to go along with, which is it?
“The journey from immaturity to maturity is a sort of movement from narcissism to connection.”
PsychCentral - Manipulation: Signs, Causes, and Types of Manipulative Behavior
What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People.
This subject has a few layers to get past before reaching the core issue, just with the mind of a manipulator. If educated, it stands out like a sore thumb and a hammer. Usually, they have a masked intention and rely on other people's Truth Bias to blind them.
In books and on the web, there is a ton of insight into the statements, actions, behaviour patterns, compensating behaviour, the questionable pathways they create, and how they are made.
Linked to a lack of empathy for others, but is it just a flippant choice or a way of life linked to delusion and assumption with a serious lack of moral code (amoral, no sense of right or wrong) - and an empty core with low emotional intelligence? Charm and the victim card might need to cover something up if it is a way of life… or it would stand out with a warning sign on the forehead. (Red flag - is a term to note when something doesn’t fit, feel or sound right. It may take some training to spot it)
Pathological lying is a condition and part of a facade, so just learn the subject and how their brain and mind software works and pay attention for your own benefit. This I read many times: Keep them out of your circle, it's their childhood experiences unresolved, and they put on to others to gain stimulation through a false sense of goal achievement.
On the Psychology Books page, you will find several books on how to read less authentic types, and always, always note the professional victim card while they are doing something else when no one is looking; the unbalanced inner self can’t be an adult, so it does something else. This was huge for my Story Drama Study.
Regarding one public case where the whole world saw the exposure of a manipulator, not everyone was initially convinced. Consider this: Not many victims wave at the camera before and after a daily hearing, seeking validation and attention. It's the slip-up that gives away the agenda; the body does not lie, and the inner-self agenda that creates the facade is tied to something it cannot escape… it's self-serving form of purpose.
Over time, we can all be educated on the most important element when it comes to authenticity and agenda… it's the compensating behaviour and the history of a person, never taking anything at face value.
Blame-shifting (avoiding responsibility for their behaviour, a form of abuse)
Gaslighting (a manipulative relational style named after a 1939 film)
Silent treatment - Punishing for push conformity
Withholding (two types of lying - Concealing and falsifying)
Take note of the research in the links - then listen carefully to the stories told, the point of view on the information and what angle the story is approached from. For example, is the situation discussed with all facts and realities in place with the who, what, when, why and how? Or does it sound like a blame shift, and the agenda cannot process their own actions, and covertly, they are the disruptor, and the cover-up stage is active… Manipulators are known to blame their victims or the world as part of removing the hidden agenda and perception; puppet masters will then send others to do the dirty work; it’s all predication of a person at the core trying to cover up a life’s work, self-awareness is a subject and this form of action is linked to the Dark Triad.
Childhood trauma as a cause of pathological lying
PsychCentral - Manipulation: Signs, Causes, and Types of Manipulative Behavior
17 Manipulation Tactics Abusers Use
VeryWellHealth - What Is Manipulative
VeryWellHealth - Signs of Passive-Aggressive
VeryWellHealth - Is Silent Treatment a Form of Abuse?
VeryWellHealth - What Is Emotional Abuse?
VeryWellHealth - Why Do Pathological Liars Lie?
People With Addiction Manipulate
10 Pathological Liar Signs and How to Cope with a Habitual Liar
True or False? (Why do some have different reality pathways)
Manipulators manipulate because that's what they were taught in childhood, and they never choose personal growth and life lessons to go beyond their child or teenagers' perception and emotional intelligence. (Fixed mindset)
Manipulators manipulate because their brains cannot empathise due to mirror neurons not working in the prefrontal cortex. (They just don’t get it, its phsyical)
Genetics play a part in the manipulator’s mindset. (Its the way of the world)
It's all about the environment; less personal development in childhood creates something else. (Conditioning)
Years of bad parenting influence the perception... then it's their turn to be an adult, and the cycle repeats. (Absorbed education)
What can't be processed isn't understood, so "What are you on about?" is actually the only authentic statement manipulators will say.
"I never lie" is a manipulator’s delusion, along with the many other odd statements they make before and after they make a move. (They get stimulated from deception as if its a form of success)
Cause and Effect
Linked to actions and perception.
Toxic Positivity
A mask to cover up and deny reality. A manipulation at its core.
Effects behaviour.
Mask it or fix it
The opposite of Courage.
'Cowardice prevented me from doing what I knew I should do.'
It is not a comfortable word to discuss while in the realm of Psychology and behaviour. It can raise the defence mechanisms, and many use the word incorrectly. And someone else might be holding you back as well as yourself. Knowing which element to change may mean getting to the core of the issue, which can be tough: reverse choices and actions, changing perceptions and sometimes pressing the reset button.
Change can be a powerful inhibitor, and it can also feel like an impossible task. Or with a goal, knowledge, a plan and a visualising purpose, something moves forward. Maybe find out if you are a specialist or multi-tasker, what sort of perfection of the self and other do you have, many don’t realise a perfection can be dramatic adjusted, what goes in will even come out.
A quote from Mindhunter
“Narcissists don’t go to the doctor, and psychopaths think there is nothing wrong.”
Mind Hunter - Dr Wendy Carr Season 1 Episode 3.
The series offers an incredible insight into the first findings of why some do what they do and why the first assumptions didn't include environmental influence, conditioning, what is on display and a certain kind of negative education. And why matters go sideways when a healthy development of emotional intelligence from balanced parenting is missing in the first 20 years. Extreme situations can create extreme outcomes. Parents with contempt for their lives and children only hurt the disruptors in the cases that the behaviour specialists explored. Although Mindhunter is a tv series, it is based on true events.
The conclusion was that hurt people hurt other people.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk highlighted the same insight in his book ‘The Body Keeps Score’, a must-read for anyone interested in psychological and human behaviour.
Psychology Today - Hurt People Hurt Other People
Trying not to sound judgemental, some people never learn; these days, we know why. But that doesn’t need to stop anyone else from achieving because 6% of the population cannot understand the other 94% correctly. In Story Drama, the interests are based on how to overcome the antagonist via the protagonist. In reality, it could be about understanding how the 94% and the 6% operate together with new considerations. A good friend of mine proved growth was required along with a new education, even when it wasn’t directly required just for their own pathway. Learning about others who are different to yourself is key.