01/01/2024 5 Weird Ways Toxic Family Members Punish a Truthteller for Going No Contact/Lisa A. Romano Previous How the SCAPEGOAT keeps everyone IN LINE in narcissistic relationships Next When the scapegoat helps the golden child You Might Also Like Dysfunctional Family Roles Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist When the scapegoat helps the golden child Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Surviving The Family Scapegoat Role
01/01/2024 5 Weird Ways Toxic Family Members Punish a Truthteller for Going No Contact/Lisa A. Romano Previous How the SCAPEGOAT keeps everyone IN LINE in narcissistic relationships Next When the scapegoat helps the golden child You Might Also Like Dysfunctional Family Roles Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist When the scapegoat helps the golden child Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Surviving The Family Scapegoat Role